Government of West Bengal
Office of the District Inspector of Schools (S.E.)
Krishnagar, Nadia.
Memo no. 445(640)/ Gen/ SE, Date 21.03.2013
From:- The District Inspector of Schools (S.E.)
Krishnagar, Nadia.
To:- The Headmaster/ Headmistress/ Teacher-in-Charge,
………………………………………………………………….School, Nadia.
Subject:- Teacher Eligibility Test to be held on 31.03.2013 conducted by the W. B. B. P. E.
In reference to the above I would like to inform you that your school has been selected as the Venue/ Center for the Teacher Eligibility Test to be held on 31.03.2013 conducted by the W. B. B. P. E. Also you have been appointed as the Center -in- Charge of the Venue/ Center. All the infrastructure of your school as well as your premises would be utilized. All the teaching and non-teaching employees of your school also would be utilized. In terms of Commissioner of School Education, West Bengal memo no. 639(6) SC/P dated 15.03.2013 your employee who would be engaged for this TET examination up to 31.03.2013 would be treated as “On Duty”. So I would like to request you to render all sorts of cooperation for smooth conduct of the Examination. Besides, you are requested to review that the following has been ensured: –
1. Seating arrangement has been completed in your school for the candidates allotted in your venue for the said T E T.
2. Drinking water facility is available for the candidates allotted in your venue for the said T E T.
3. All the infrastructure of your school as well as your premises is ready for utilization for the said T E T.
4. As per instruction by the W. B. B. P. E. required invigilators for your venue has been arranged by engaging your teaching employees and/ or taking help from other schools (if necessary).
You are requested to submit your review report to the Chairperson, N D P S C as well as to this end within 24th March, 2013. Your early response is solicited. This is urgent.
District Inspector of Schools (S.E.), Nadia.
No. 445-SE dated 21.03.2013
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