Verification of Pension Cases for Employees of Three Tier Panchayat Bodies

Government of West Bengal
Department of Panchayats & Rural Development
Joint Administrative building (6th to 10th Floors)
Block: HC, Plot No. 7, Salt Lake City, Sector-III, Kolkata- 700 106

No. 3813/PN/O/I/2P-01/2017 Dated: 31/05/2019


Subject: Verification of the Pension cases for the employees of the three tier Panchayat Bodies by the Financial Controller and Chief Accounts Officer of Zilla Parishad/ Siliguri Mahakuma Parishad

In terms of para 6(b) of the Death-cum-Retirement Benefit Scheme, 1985 for the employees of Panchayat Bodies circulated vide G.O. No. 30314/VIII/Panch/2P-04/85 dated 30/08/1985 of this Department, the Director of Pension, Provident Fund & Group Insurance under Finance Department or any officer authorized by him has been declared as “Audit Officer” for the purpose of checking of pension cases under said Scheme.

Now, the State Government has introduced a revised procedure for online disposal of the pension cases of the employees of the three tier Panchayat Bodies through e-Pension Portal vide G.O. No. 3812/PN/O/I/2P-01/2017 dated 31/5/2019 under which Financial Controller & Chief Accounts Officer (FC&CAO) of Zilla Parishad/ Mahakuma Parishad will act as representative of Director of Pension, Provident Fund & Group Insurance for audit of pension cases of the three tier Panchayat Bodies. In view of the above, it is felt that the procedure laid down in G.O. No. 30314/VIII/Panch/2P-04/85 dated 30/08/1985 requires modification.

After careful consideration of the matter, the Governor is pleased to order that henceforth Financial Controller & Chief Accounts Officer (FC&CAO) of Zilla Parishad/ Mahakuma Parishad shall audit the pension cases of the employees of three tier Panchayat Bodies as representative of the Director of Pension & Provident Fund & Group Insurance within the district concerned.

G.O. No. 30314/VIII/Panch/2P-04/85 dated 30/08/1985 stands modified to the extent prescribed in the order.

This Order shall take effect immediately.

This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide U.O. No Group P2/2019-2020/0038 dated 10/05/2019.

Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 3813-PN dated 31.05.2019, Source

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