West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Vidyasagar Bhavan
9/2, Block DJ, Sector – II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091
Ref . DSV/L/M/003/15 Dt. 04/08/2015
The Head of Institutions
Vocational Schools under NSQF project
This is for your information that Council is going to introduce Vocational Courses (under NVEQF/NSQF) in 91 H.S. Schools (who have completed level 1 and level 2 vocational courses in class IX and X under NVEQF/NSQF) from 2015-2016 Academic Session.
Since your institution has completed level 1 and level 2 project, your school is permitted to introduce level 3 stage from the present academic session. The students who have passed level 1 and level 2 project, they can opt the subject (as an optional elective) in H.S. Level. Necessary arrangement (for teachers, study materials, books etc) will be done by Directorate of Vocational Education & Training, Government of West Bengal.
Now you may submit filled in registration forms (*subjects code are given below) including the vocational subject (as an optional elective) for the student concerned. It may please be noted that the student who will opt the vocational subject, they can’t opt Physical Education (PHED)/ Music (MUSC)/ Visual Arts (VISA).
[* 1) It & Ites – ITEV, 2) Automobile – ATMV, 3) Organised Retailing – ORTV, 4) Security – SEUV]
Marks distribution of the above said subjects: Theory – 30 marks, Practical & others – 70 marks.
Expecting your necessary co-operation in this regard.
Yours sincerely
Sd/- Malay Ray
Deputy Secretary (Vocational Education)
West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
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