
WBSROPA Rules, 2019 for staffs of Institute of Historical Studies

Higher Education, ,

The benefits of the West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowances) Rules, 2019 may be applied mutatis-mutandis towards revision of scale of pay of the employees in the Govt. approved posts in the Institute of Historical Studies, Kolkata.


No.: 59-HED-21014(11)/1/2021-SE SEC Dept. of H.E. Dated: 15.02.2021


The undersigned is directed to state that the benefits of the West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowances) Rules, 2019 may be applied mutatis-mutandis towards revision of scale of pay of the employees in the Govt. approved posts in the Institute of Historical Studies, Kolkata to the extent of the following points:-

1. i. From the existing Pay Band and Grade Pay, the Pay of each employee will be revised to the corresponding level in the Pay Matrix notionally with effect from 01.01.2016 with actual effect from 01.01.2020. [Annexure I& II are enclosed herewith]

ii. The employees may have option to come under the revised pay structure with effect from 01.01.2016 or from the date of next or any subsequent increments on 01.07.2016, 01.07.2017, 01.07.2018 or 01.07.2019 or from the date of promotion that took place till 25.09.2019 provides that such option shall not be exercised from any date of increment that falls due after the date of any promotion during 01.01.2016 to 25.09.2019 [Annexure III enclosed herewith].

iii. The employees directly appointed to any post on or after 01.01.2016 will have no such option. The pay of such employees shall be fixed at the minimum pay structure i.e. at the first cell of the Level attached to the post from the date of joining.

2. The initial pay of each employee in the appropriate Level of the revised pay structure shall be fixed as per provisions of rule 7(1) of the WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019. Rule 7(4) ibid shall be applied, where necessary [Annexure IV enclosed herewith].

3. Increments in Pay Matrix shall be regulated as per provisions of rule 9 and rule 10 of ROPA Rules, 2019.

4. With effect from 01.01.20, the employees will get House Rent Allowance @12% of revised Basic Pay subject to a maximum of Rs.12000/- (Rupees twelve thousand) per month. The ceiling of House Rent Allowance to be drawn by husband and wife shall be restricted to Rs.12000/- (Rupees twelve thousand) per month. The existing terms and conditions for drawal of such allowance shall remain the same.

5. With effect from 01.01.2020 the employees will be entitled to draw Medical Allowance @ Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred) per month provided that the concerned employee is not covered under ESI Scheme or any Medical Benefit Scheme sponsored by the Government.

6. There will be no arrear for the period from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2019.

This is issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No.: Group P1/2020-21/0364 dated 11.02.2021.

Sd/- P. Saha
Deputy Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 59-HED dated 15.02.2021, Source