
West Bengal Free-Ship Scheme in Engg. Colleges for 2015-16

Higher Education, ,

State Government has decided to extend the provisions of the West Bengal Free-ship Scheme (WBFS) for the students admitted in the academic year 2015-16.

Government of West Bengal
Higher Education Department
Technical Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091

No. 328-Edn(T)/10M-70/2012 Dated, Kolkata, 23rd July 2015


The Higher Education Department, vide no. 326-Edn(T) dated 14th June, 2013, had notified the West Bengal Free-ship Scheme (WBFS) extending the benefit of full and half tuition fee waivers to meritorious students from economically weak backgrounds admitted into undergraduate level engineering and technology courses in the Government Engineering Colleges, Engineering Departments of State-aided Universities and in those Private/ Self-financing Engineering and Technology Institutes in the State.

For the academic year 2015-16, the State Government has decided, to extend the provisions of the West Bengal Free-ship Scheme (WBFS) as notified vide no: 326-Edn/(T)/10M-70/2012 dated: 14th June, 2013. In so far as the Private/ Self- financing Engineering and Technology Institutes are concerned the conditions are given below:

I. Private/ Self-financing Engineering and Technology Institutes shall continue to provide Full Tuition Fee Waiver (full free-ship) to 10% of the admitted student in proportion to the number of admissions made under the management quota category.

II. The Private/ Self-financing Engineering and Technology Institutes implementing the fees as revised by the State Government following the recommendation of the Fee Structure Committee for 2013 – 2014 and /or 2014-15 and/or 2015-16, will provide half free-ship to 10% of the students admitted in each of Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Architecture courses in the academic session 2015-16 and during the entire course period, subject to their satisfactory academic performance in the Institution which would necessarily mean promotion to the next year without being disqualified in any subject.

The effective benefit under the various Tuition Fee Waiver Schemes in the State remains at twenty five percent of the total student strength comprising 5% under Tuition Fee Waiver (TFW), 10% Half free-ship under WBFS linked to the revised fee-structure and 10% Full free-ship linked to Management Quota (MQ) under West Bengal Free-ship Scheme.

Other provisions, including eligibility criteria, ‘income-certifying authority’ etc. of this Scheme shall continue to be guided by the Department’s Order no. 272-Edn (T) dated 1st July, 2011.

The Director of Technical Education, West Bengal is entrusted with the implementation and monitoring of the Scheme and he shall provide reports to the State Government at periodic intervals. Furthermore, the ‘income-certificate’ of the eligible and/or admitted students after physical verification by the WBJEE Board shall be accepted by the respective Institutes. In case of any discrepancy found by the Institute in the same, it should be informed to the Board with intimation to the Director of Technical Education, West Bengal.

Sd/- Vivek Kumar, I.A.S
Principal Secretary
Higher Education Department

No. 328-Edn dated 23.07.2015

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