
West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund Rules, 1976

Labour, 👁️ 247

Employer of every establishment shall pay to Welfare Commissioner the employer’s contribution and the employee’s contribution before 15th January and 15th July every year.

  1. Short title, extent and commencement
  2. Definitions
  3. Notice of applicability, change of particulars or closure
  4. Payment of unpaid accumulations and fines realised from employees
  5. Payment of employer’s and the employee’s contributions
  6. Statement for obtaining State Government’s contribution
  7. Realisation of fines imposed on employers by courts
  8. Notice to employers for payment of dues
  9. Particulars to be incorporated in Board’s notice about unpaid accumulation
  10. Special manner of notice in certain cases of unpaid accumulation
  11. Remission of penalty
  12. Mode of payment of dues by employers
  13. Maintenance and audit of accounts of the Fund
  14. Budget of the Board
  15. Additional expenditure
  16. Application for grant from fund
  17. Mode of payment from fund
  18. Constitution of Board
  19. Allowance
  20. Procedure regarding Board meetings
  21. Minutes of the meeting
  22. Qualifications and term of office of members of Committee
  23. Terms and conditions of service of Welfare Commissioner
  24. Appointment of staff
  25. Terms and conditions of service of Inspectors
  26. Duties and powers of Inspectors
  27. Limitation of expenditure towards staff
  28. Financial transactions
  29. Publication of annual report of Board
  30. Maintenance of registers by employers

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