
West Bengal Primary School Special Education Teachers Recruitment Rules, 2025

School Education, ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ 410

No Council shall appoint Special Education Teacher in primary schools within its jurisdiction beyond the number of teachers sanctioned by the State Government for the district or the sub-division.

School Education Department
(Elementary Education Branch)
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091


No. 118-SED-13037/60/2023-ELEMN SEC dated 18.03.2025

WHEREAS the draft rules, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 106, read with clause (k) of sub-section (1) of section 60, of the West Bengal Primary Education Act, 1973 (West Ben. Act XLIII of 1973) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act) was issued, as required by sub-section (1) of section 106, by notification of this Department vide No. 210A-SED/ 13037/60/2023, dated 28.06.2024 and published in the Kolkata Gazette, Extraordinary, Part I, on 28th June, 2024 inviting objections and suggestions from the persons likely to be affected thereby;

AND WHEREAS the objections and suggestions received in respect of the said draft rules have been duly considered;

NOW THEREFORE, in exercise of the power conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 106, read with clause (k) of sub-section (1) of section 60, of the said Act, the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following rules, namely:-


1. Short title and commencement.

(1) These rules may be called the West Bengal Primary School Special Education Teachers Recruitment Rules, 2025.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions.

(1) In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,-

(a) “Act” means the West Bengal Primary Education Act, 1973 (West Ben. Act XLIII of 1973)-

(b) “appointment” means appointment of Special Education Teachers in primary schools in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the rules;

(c) “Appointing authority” means the Chairperson of the concerned District Primary School Council the Kolkata Primary School Council or the Siliguri Primary School Council;

(d) “Authorised Officer” means, unless otherwise specified, an officer not below the rank of Deputy Director of School Education, West Bengal, duly authorised by the Director of School Education. West Bengal;

(e) “Board” means West Bengal Board of Primary Education established under the Act;

(f) “Council” means a Primary School Council established under the Act;

(g) “deputation” means deputation of teachers of primary schools to the Training Institute by the Council:

(h) “Director” means the Director of School Education, West Bengal, and includes the Commissioner of School Education, West Bengal;

(i) “Final Vacancy” means a vacancy in the post of Special Education Teacher reported by the Director of School Education to the West Bengal Board of Primary Education for the purpose of direct recruitment before the date of publication of the advertisement;

(j) “Government” means the Government of West Bengal in the School Education Department,

(k) “NCTE” means the National Council for Teacher Education, a statutory Body under the National Council for Teacher Education Act, 1993 (73 of 1993);

(l) “Primary school” means a school or a department of a school set up under the Act for imparting such primary education as the State Government may notify, and includes a primary school or a Junior Basic School recognized under the Act and in existence on the date of coming into force of the West Bengal Primary Education (Amendment) Act, 1996;

(m) “Panel” means a list of names of the eligible and selected candidates for appointment as teacher in Primary School, published by the Board according to rules;

(n) “RCI” means the Rehabilitation Council of India, a statutory Body under the Rehabilitation Council of India Act (34 of 1992);

(o) “rule” means any rule made under section 106 of the Act;

(p) “State” means State of West Bengal;

(q) “superannuation” means the date of retirement of a teacher from the service on completion of sixtieth year of his or her age;

(r) “teacher” means a person who holds a teaching post engaged for teaching children with Special Needs in a primary school or in a Junior Basic School on a regular and whole time basis, and is paid either wholly or in part from the funds under the control of the State Government in the School Education Department and holding the necessary qualifications and training as mandated by the Government for teaching children with special needs;

(s) “TET” means Teacher Eligibility Test, a test conducted by the authorised agency of the State Government as per guidelines of NCTE;

(t) “trained candidate” means a candidate who has obtained the necessary training as mandated by Govt. for teaching Children with Special Needs alongwith possessing the necessary training as mandated by NCTE/ RCI for a primary teacher;

(u) “training” includes training of teaching in cross disability area in inclusive education;

(v) “vacancy” means vacant post of a Special Education teacher arising by way of-

(A) creation of a new post by the State Government;
(B) posts falling vacant due to retirement;
(C) death or becoming permanently incapacitated as per declaration by competent medical board;
(D) resignation tendered by a teacher and accepted by the Council;
(E) removal or dismissal of a teacher.

(2) The words and expressions not defined in these rules but defined in the Act shall have the same meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act.

3. (a) Name of post.

The name of the post shall be Special Education Teacher in Primary School.

(b) Qualifications for direct recruitment-

(i) The candidate must be a citizen of India;

(ii) a candidate, before or on the date of submission of his/her application, must have obtained the educational and training qualification as prescribed by the Central Government vide F. No. 3-5/2021-IS. 18. dated 10.06.2022, read with subsequent amendment if any and the said prescribed qualifications by the Central Government is prevailing at the relevant point of time of advertisement for selection for the post of Special Education Teacher in Primary School;

(iii) a candidate willing to be selected as a Special Education Teacher in any School must have the specific subject of the medium of instruction of the school as first or second or third language at any of the Secondary or Higher Secondary or equivalent academic level as elective or optional subject.

(c) Age for direct recruitment.

Minimum twenty (20) years and maximum forty (40) years as on the 1st day of the January of the year of advertisement. Upper age-limit is relaxable for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and persons with disabilities candidates as per extant norms of the State Government:

Provided that the Special Educators/IED Coordinators working under Paschim Banga Samagra Shiksha Mission (PBSSM), and those who are working under Govt, recognized Special Schools running under Mass Education and Extension Department to the Govt. of West Bengal with approval of the said Mission may apply for the post upto age of 55 years as on the 1st day of the January of the year of advertisement.

4. Roll strength for a teacher.

(1) The roll strength for a teacher of a primary school under the jurisdiction of the Council shall be determined as guided by memo F.No. 3-5/2021-IS.18, dated 10th June, 2022, of Ministry of Education, Department of School Education and Literacy, Government of India and sanctioned by the State Government.

(2) No Council shall appoint Special Education Teacher in primary schools within its jurisdiction beyond the number of teachers sanctioned by the State Government for the district or the sub-division.

(3) A Council may propose to the Director for sanction of additional posts of Special Education Teacher in Primary School due to increase in roll strength in primary schools of the district or the sub-division, as the case may be. The Director of School Education will send the said proposal with his views to the School Education Department for necessary sanction of such additional post.

5. Information regarding vacancies.

(1) The Primary School Council shall send medium-wise and reservation category-wise vacancy report to the Director of School Education who in turn will prepare the vacancy report and shall submit it to the State Government for approval. After receiving approval from the State Government, the Director of School Education shall forward the same to the West Bengal Board of Primary Education for recruitment. On receipt of the vacancy report from Director of School Education, the Board will make an advertisement through widely published daily newspaper in the State in English, Bengali or any other languages, if necessary and also through the website of the Board.

(2) The advertisement for filling up vacancies shall, inter alia, contain –

(a) the date, place and time for collection of application form;

(b) the manner of submission of application form detailing the time and mode as specified by the Board in the said advertisement or in public notice issued later;

(c) tentative date and time of viva-voce/ interview & demonstration of classroom teaching

(d) quota for reservation as per the policy of the Government of West Bengal;

(e) the manner of payment of application fee;

(f) any other particulars as may be required;

(g) terms and conditions of the recruitment

(3) Thee State Government may by notification, earmark upto 10% of the vacant posts for those who are working with Paschim Banga Samagra Mission (PBSSM) as Special Educators/ IED Coordinators and those who are working under Govt. recognized Special Schools running under Mass Education and Extension Department to the Govt. of West Bengal, without disturbing 100 point roster as may be notified from time to time. If there is no notification to earmarked posts or if the earmarked posts remain vacant due to non-availability of suitable candidates, the earmarked posts shall be filled up as per general procedures as mentioned in this rules from the qualified eligible candidates.

6. Application.

(1) The application form shall be obtained on payment of such fee which is non-refundable and in such manner as may be determined by the Board and mentioned in the advertisement:

Provided that the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or Physically Challenged shall not be required to pay such fee.

(2) The candidates who already passed TET and otherwise eligible for the post may apply for the post.

(3) A candidate is required to give a preference of District Primary School Council under jurisdiction of which he is to be posted, if selected.

7. Selection Committee.

(1) The Board for conducting selection process against the vacancies advertised, shall constitute Selection Committee with 11 members, comprising of-

(a) President of the Board/ President Ad Hoc Committee of Board- Chairman of Selection Committee;

(b) Members to be nominated by the Board including public examination expert, academic expert, expert from the field of Inclusive Education/ Special Education.

(2) The Selection Committee shall normally function till selection is completed against which recruitment advertisement was published.

Provided that the Board may, during the said period, reconstitute the Committee for the reason to be recorded in writing. Any member of the Committee may resign after expiry of one month from the date of notice to the Chairman. The Board may remove any member, at any times, subject to the condition that such member has been informed of the reason of his removal and has been given an opportunity of being heard.

(3) The Board may, if necessary, constitute one or more sub-committees for scrutiny of testimonials/ for conducting interview and other purposes as may be required.

(4) The decision of the committee and/or sub-committees shall be bound by the decision of the Board.

(5) In conformity of provision of these rules, the Board will co-ordinate the entire procedural formalities relating to the recruitment; and for conducting the Selection Test and verification of documents/ engagement of any specialized agency for assisting the selection related works/ issuance of admit cards/fixing of cut-off marks (either by holding elimination/preliminary examination or otherwise), preparation of panel, waiting list etc. as per written resolution of the majority of member of Board/Ad hoc Committee of the Board which are required to be signed by the President and the members and be retained for ten (10) years or till disposal of court case, if any, whichever is later.

8. Conducting of TET and Selection of candidates and preparation of panel for Special Education Teacher in primary school.

(1) The Selection Committee of Board shall arrange for proper custody of online applications which y received by it against the vacancies.

(2) The Selection Committee of Board after receiving application forms shall prepare a list of candidates for the purpose of preparation of a database of the candidates.


(3) The Selection Committee of Board shall conduct TET for Special Education Teacher following NCTE norms.

(4) For the purpose of TET, the Selection Committee of Board shall appoint paper setters and moderators amongst the University or College Teachers, Senior Secondary/ Higher Secondary Teachers.

(5) The Selection Committee of Board shall conduct an O.M.R. based TET with carbon less duplicate, which shall be retained with the candidates.

(6) The Selection Committee of Board shall publish in its official website the preliminary model answer keys after the TET and will invite suggestion and/or objections from the candidates: Provided that each such suggestion/ objection must be supported by at least two authentic academic publications.

(7) The Selection Committee of the Board shall form Expert Committee comprising not less than three (3) members from the ranks, not below the rank of Associate Professor of a College/ University. The expert Committee shall deal with the suggestions/ objections received from the applicants. The decision of the said committee shall be accepted by the Selection Committee of Board, and shall be binding on all, including the candidates.

(8) The Selection Committee of Board shall finalize the model answer key based on the decision of the expert committee and it shall evaluate the OMR on the basis of this finalized Model Answer Key.

(9) The Selection Committee of Board shall publish the result of the TET and issue certificate to the TET qualified candidate following NCTE Norms.


(10) Thereafter selection of Special Education Teacher shall be made on the basis of aggregated marks obtained in following component:

1Weightage for TET80
2Demonstration of class room teaching and Interview(10+10)

(11) The Selection Committee, for the purpose of selection, shall take option from the candidates who already hold valid TET Certificate whether such candidates are willing to appear in the selection on basis of earlier TET certificate or otherwise.

(12) The Selection Committee shall call all qualified candidates who duly submitted application forms for the viva-voce or interview. The Selection Committee shall physically verify all the credentials and eligibility of all qualified candidates appearing for verification of documents. Candidates whose credential has been checked and found incorrect by the authority and candidates who are found ineligible to participate in the selection process shall not be allowed to appear. Absence of a candidate during verification will automatically disqualify him/ her from any further participation in the selection process.

(13) The Selection Committee after completion of physical verification of all credentials shall publish in its official website a final list of candidates to be called for Demonstration of class room teaching and Interview.

(14) The Selection Committee after completion of Demonstration of class room teaching and Interview, shall prepare a State-wide Merit List (Category-wise and Medium-wise) and a Waiting List (Medium-wise, Category-wise) of eligible candidates not included in the selected State-wide Merit List which will be maximum up to 5% of the number of vacancies (medium-wise and category-wise) in order of merit. Such wait listed candidates have no right to claim any recommendation merely because their names have been in the waiting list.

The Selection Committee shall also prepare District-wise Panel (based on preference given in application form category-wise and medium-wise) from the State-wide Merit List.

The State-wide Merit List and District-wise Panels after being prepared by the Selection Committee shall be accorded approval by the Ad-hoc Committee of the Board.

Thereafter, the Selection Committee shall publish the State-wide Merit List, Waiting List and District-wise Panels in the official website of the Board duly signed by the authorised officer of the Chairman of the Selection Committee.

The Selection Committee, at the time of publishing merit based panel of successful candidates equal to the number of vacancies, shall arrange to inform every candidate through its website:-

(a) his own score in each segment of selection;
(b) the cut-off marks (if any) for the categories he has applied;
(c) the final marks obtained by the candidate and final marks of the last selected candidate! s) in merit based panels of respective categories. A hard copy of the merit based panel containing the name, roll no. and marks obtained in each segment of selection by the empanelled as well as wait-listed candidates duly singed by the authorized officer of the Chairman of the Selection Committee must be preserved in the office of the Board for ten years or till disposal of the court case, if any filed against the said selection, whichever is later, provided the digitised copies of the same are also to be preserved.

(15) A copy of the State-wide Merit List including the Waiting List and District-wise Panels shall be submitted to the State Government and the Directorate of School Education for information.

(16) The written answer scripts/ OMRs of TET/ selection test as the case may be, shall at least be preserved in the office of the Board for ten years or till disposal of the court case, if any filed against the said selection, whichever is later, provided the digitalized copies are also to be preserved.

(17) Panel and waiting-list shall remain valid for one year from the date of publication of the panel and waiting-list.

Counseling, recommendation and appointment

(18) The approved District-wise Panel (category-wise and medium-wise) shall be sent to the respective District Primary School Council/ Primary School Council with a recommendation for appointment, signed by the authorised officer of the Chairman of the Selection Committee through a Registered Post/ Speed Post/ official E-mail.

(19) The concerned DPSC/ PSC, as appointing authority, on receipt of approved panels along with recommendations of the Board for appointment shall call the empanelled candidates for counseling in order of merit in consonance with the vacancies and the options exercised by the empanelled candidates and verify all the relevant documents.

(20) After such counseling of eligible empanelled candidates, appointment letters shall be issued to the candidates allowing joining time of not less than 30 days, on the basis of counseling serially and the appointment letters shall be issued under the signature of the Chairman of the Council or by an Officer, not below the rank of Secretary of the Council, authorised by the Council to sign such appointment letters. No appointment made otherwise shall be considered valid. The appointment letters shall be sent to the candidateโ€™s address through Registered Post/Speed Post. The candidate shall join the post within the stipulated period as mentioned in the appointment letter on successful verification of original relevant documents of the candidate by the Head Teacher/ Teacher-in-charge of the concerned school.

(21) While issuing appointment letter the provisions relating to the Police verification and medical fitness have to be ensured by the appointing authority, if directed by State Government.

(22) A candidate, whose name has been recommended for appointment, but could not be appointed to the vacancy for which he/she was recommended, for any reason, the concerned District Primary School Council, shall send an information in this regard to the Board and Selection Committee which, on receipt of such information, shall recommend his/her name for any other appropriate vacancy afresh after cancellation of the previous recommendation.

(23) If-

(a) a candidate refuses to accept his/her allotment of post during counseling, or

(b) the Selection Committee gets information from any school or from the District Primary School Council that a candidate recommended for appointment has not accepted the offer of appointment or join the post within the stipulated period, or

(c) such a candidate refuses to accept appointment, or

(d) on further scrutiny it appears that the candidate has misrepresented the facts, the Selection Committee may, after giving opportunity of hearing, do away with his name from the panel and he will be deemed to have been depanelled and which shall cause recommendation of the name of a candidate from the waiting list strictly within the validity period of the panel and waiting list.

(24) The Interview Board shall consist of three members who shall be Senior Secondary Higher Secondary Teachers including Assistant Head Master/ Head Master and College and University Teachers.

(25) Cancellation or withdrawal of Recommendation- If prior to or after recommendation or during the course of selection process, it is found that any candidate concealed or suppressed or misrepresented or made false declaration in his /her application or at any subsequent stage any mistake or fault committed by the Board in granting recommendation wrongly to any candidate in contradiction to the provisions of the Act. Rules or other conditions as may be laid down is made, such candidate will be treated as disqualified and his/her recommendation will be cancelled and/or withdrawn at any stage and further his/her appointment, if any. shall stand terminated/cancelled and in such cases the decision of the Board shall be final. Further the Board may also take steps to fill up such post/s from Waiting List within the validity period of the Panel and Waiting List, by issuing suitable direction to the concerned District Primary School Councils (DPSCs):

Provided that before such termination, an opportunity of hearing should be given to the concerned candidate.

(26) Carry forward of vacancy.- The vacancies, which are not filled up for unsuitability of candidates or for any other reasons, as the Board may by order mention, shall be carried forward for the next recruitment/ transfer process.

9. Interpretation.

(1) If any question arises regarding any decision of the Board, a reference may be made to the State Government and the decision taken by the State Government shall be final.

(2) In regard to the interpretation of any provision of these rules, the decision of the State Government shall be final.

By order of the Governor,

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 118-SED dated 18.03.2025, Source

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