
West Bengal Rules of Business – Tribal Development

Home, Tribal Development, 👁️ 113

All matters related to the welfare and development of the Scheduled Tribes, including provision of funds; Tribal sub-plan. Constitutional matters. All matters pertaining to the identification of Scheduled Tribes.

Government of West Bengal
Home Department

No. 866-Home (Cons) /R2R (Cons)-08/2013. Dated: 28.11.2013.


In exercise of the power conferred by clause [3] of article 166 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following amendments in the West Bengal Rules of Business, as subsequently amended (hereinafter referred to as the said rules):-


In the First Schedule to the said rules,

(1) under the heading “Departments”, after item LXII. and the entry relating thereto, insert the following item and entry:-

“LXIII. Department of Tribal Development”;

(2) under the heading “Allocation of business among the departments”, after sub-heading “LXII Department of Child Development”, and the entries relating thereto, insert the following sub-heading and entries:-

“LXIII. Department of Tribal Development”;

Part – I

(i) All matters related to the welfare and development of the Scheduled Tribes, including provision of funds; Tribal sub-plan. Constitutional matters.

(ii) All matters pertaining to the identification of Scheduled Tribes.

(iii) Prevention of atrocities on Scheduled Tribes.

(iv) All matters pertaining to the Forest Rights Act and forest produce.

(v) All matters pertaining to the reservation of posts and seats for Scheduled Tribes.

(vi) Restoration of alienated tribal land.

(vii) All matters relevant to PSUs and Cooperative Bodies dealing with the welfare and development of Scheduled Tribes.

(viii) Matters pertaining to the Cultural Research Institute.

(ix) Matters pertaining to the Tribal Advisory Council.

(x) All matters relevant to particularly vulnerable tribes.

(xi) Development of Lepchas and other indigenous hill tribes.

(xii) All matters pertaining to the Paschim Banga Santhali Academy, Paschim Banga Adibasi Kalyan-O-Shiksha Parishad, Banga Lok Shilpa-O-Sanskriti Kendra.

(xiii) Any other matter pertaining to the overall socio-economic, cultural and skill development of Scheduled Tribes.

Part – II

(i) State public services in respect of the matters with which the Department is concerned (entry 41 of List II).

(ii) Offences against Laws with respect to any of the matters in List II with which the department is concerned (entry 64 of List II).

(iii) Economic and social planning so far as the department is concerned (entry 20 of List III).

(iv) Inquiries and statistics for the purpose of any of the matters specified in List II or List III with which the department is concerned (entry 45 of List III).

Part – III

(i) Union public services in respect of the matters with which the department is concerned (entry 70 of List I).

(ii) Offences against Laws with respect to any of the matters in List I with which the department is concerned (entry 93 of list I).

(iii) Inquiries, surveys and statistics for the purpose of any of the matters in List I with which the department is concerned (entry 94 of list I).

(iv) Participation in international conference, associations and other bodies and implementing decisions made thereat so far as the department is concerned (entry 13 of List I).

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- Sanjay Mitra
Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 866-Home dated 28.11.2013