
WBSSC (Selection of Persons for Appointment to the Posts of Teachers in Upper Primary Level) Rules, 2015

School Education, ,

These rules may be called-the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection of Persons for Appointment to the Posts of Teachers in Upper Primary Level) Rules, 2015.

School Education Department
(Secondary Branch)
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata

No. 485-SE(S)/1S-26/2010 (Part-I), dated the 3rd June, 2015


In exercise of the power conferred by clause (d) of sub-section (2), read with sub-section (1) of section 17, of the West Bengal School Service Commission Act, 1997 (West Ben. Act IV of 1997), the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following rules for regulating the manner of selection of persons for appointment to the post of Teachers in Upper Primary Level, namely:-


1. Short title and commencement

(1) These rules may be called-the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection of Persons for Appointment to the Posts of Teachers in Upper Primary Level) Rules, 2015.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions

(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) “Act” means the West Bengal School Service Commission Act, 1997 (West Ben. Act IV of 1997), as subsequently amended;

(b) “Bachelor’s degree” means degree obtained through regular or distance education system or correspondence course from a University recognised by the University Grants Commission and other appropriate authority, as the case may be;

(c) “category” means reservation category, gender category, medium of instruction category, group category, post category;

(d) “Central Commission” means the West Bengal Central School Service Commission constituted under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Act;

(e) “graduate” means graduate from any University recognized by the University Grants Commission and obtain certificate after completion of 3 years degree course in new system or 2 years degree course in old system or as specified by the Universities from time to time;

(f) “graduate vacancy” means vacancies attached to the graduate scale of pay as defined in the Revision of Pay and Allowances (hereinafter called as ROPA) in pass Graduate Scale;

(g) “Higher Secondary” means general education above the secondary education provided for students with a view to qualify them for admission in Certificate or Diploma or Degree courses above the higher secondary or equivalent study level;

(h) “NCTE” means National Council for Teacher Education (a statutory body of the Government of India);

(i) “panel” means a list published by the Central Commission for schools containing the names of candidates category-wise equal to number of vacancies declared and found fit for appointment strictly in order of merit;

(j) “Personality test” includes assessment of viva voce, communication skill and demonstration in written, oral form, or practical method;

(k) “post” means a whole-time sanctioned post of pass graduate teacher category with Graduate Scale of Pay as determined by the State Government from time to time for schools having Upper Primary level in the following groups:-

(i) Mathematics and Science group,

(ii) Social Studies Group (History and Geography),

(iii) Language Group (Language I and Language II);

(l) “Professional qualifications” includes as follows:-

(i) 2 – year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known),

(ii) 1 – year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.),

(iii) 1- year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition norms and procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard,

(iv) 1 – year B.Ed. (Special Education),

(v) 2 – year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition norms and procedures) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard,

(vi) 4 – year B.A./B.Sc Ed. Or B.A. Ed./B.Sc. Ed.,

(vii) 4 – year Bachelor degree in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.) includes Bachelor degree along with professional qualification as integrated course.

Note 1 – Diploma /degree Course in Teacher Education recognised by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) only shall be considered. However, in case of B. Ed. (Special Education), a course recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) only shall be considered.

Note 2 – B.Ed. (Special Education) degree holder shall have to undergo for training on 6 months special programme in Elementary Education in an NCTE recognized institution after appointment;

(m) “Qualifications” includes qualification of the teachers as notified by the NCTE from time to time on the date of advertisement of vacancies;

(n) “Regional Commission” means the West Bengal Regional School Service Commission constituted under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Act;

(o) “RLST” means Regional Level Selection Test conducted by the School Service Commission for recruitment of teachers in the schools;

(p) “RTE Act” means the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 enforced by the Government of India with effect from the 1st day of April, 2010;

(q) “Schedule” means schedule appended to these rules;

(r) “Secondary Education” means general education provided for students with a view to qualify them for admission to higher secondary stage or other courses equivalent to higher secondary stage;

(s) “SLST” means West Bengal School Service Commission (State Level Selection Test for Appointment to the posts of Teachers) Rules, 2015.

(t) “State Government” means the State Government of West Bengal in School Education Department;

(u) “Sub-rule” means sub-rule of a rule in which the word or expression occurs;

(v) “Teacher” means Assistant Teacher recruited for Graduate vacancy;

(w) “Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)” means Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) for upper primary level (V-VIII) conducted by the State Government or through its agency as per NCTE guidelines and other notifications issued by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, from time to time in this regard and the State Government or such agency shall issue a certificate to the candidates who have qualified in TET Examination;

(x) “upper primary level” means general education above the primary level till completion of elementary education i.e. education from class V to class VIII conducted by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent or agencies for admission in secondary stage;

(y) “vacancy” means a vacancy in the post of a teacher caused by-

(i) creation of a new post,

(ii) superannuation of a teacher,

(iii) death of a teacher,

(iv) resignation tendered by a teacher,

(v) transfer or reallocation of service of a teacher,

(vi) removal or dismissal of a teacher, or

(vii) any other reason, as the State Government may, by order, determine;

(z) “waiting list” means category-wise list of rest of the candidates qualified after personality test but not included in the panel.

(2) Words and expressions used and not defined in these rules but defined in the Act, shall have the same meanings as respectively assigned to them in the Act.

3. Method of recruitment

The selection to the post of Assistant Teachers in upper primary level against graduate vacancies in Junior High School or High School or Higher Secondary School, shall be made on the basis of TET, evaluation of qualifications of the candidates, in accordance with the provisions of rule 4 to rule 18 and in the manner as laid down in Schedule I.

4. Name of post, qualifications and age

(1) The name of the post shall be Assistant Teacher in upper primary level.

(2) The qualifications for selection to the said post shall be as follows:-

(a) candidates shall have minimum qualifications mentioned by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) and the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, for recruitment, on the date of advertisement;

(b) candidates shall be qualified in the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) conducted by the State Government or its agency and have valid Teacher Eligibility Test Certificate issued by the State Government or its agency;

(c) candidates intending to apply for the post of Teacher in any School having Bengali or English or Hindi or Nepali or Oriya or Santhali or Telegu or Urdu as the medium of instruction, shall have additional essential qualification of Bengali or English or Hindi or Nepali or Oriya or Santhali or Telegu or Urdu, as the case may be, as first or second or third language at any of the Secondary or Higher Secondary or any subsequent higher level of education-

(i) at Secondary level of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or equivalent; or

(ii) at Higher Secondary level of the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education or equivalent; or

(iii) at Graduation level of education as a paper in that language.

(3) The relaxation of minimum qualifications as mentioned in sub-rule (2), shall be applicable in accordance to the notification, if any, issued by the Government of India from time to time and the period of relaxation shall remain effective according to the time limit mentioned in that notification.

(4) The minimum age-limit shall be 20 years and maximum 40 years so long as the West Bengal Services (Raising of Age-limit) Rules, 1981, is in force. Upper age limit is however relaxable by 5 years for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates, 3 years for Other Backward Classes candidates and for the Physically Handicapped Candidates, as per existing Government norms. The age shall be calculated as on the 1st day of January of the year of notification of the recruitment:

Provided that the candidates who have qualified TET and possessed valid TET Certificate within the age limit, shall be eligible for appearing in the next selection under these rules in spite of the fact that they have exceeded upper age-limit.

Provided further that the candidates who have already applied for TET in the name of 13th RLST within the above age limit in the last year before coming into force of these rules, shall be eligible for appearing in next selection under these rules in spite of the fact that they have exceeded upper age-limit.

5. Pay

The pay of Teachers in upper primary level shall be graduate scale of pay including allowances as per ROPA issued by the State Government in the School Education Department from time to time. The candidates shall not be eligible for higher pay for higher qualification acquired after entry into the service.

6. Reservation

(1) Vacancies shall remain reserved as it would be available to the Commission on the basis of reservation of the post declared by the school concerned where the vacancy exists.

(2) No male candidate shall be selected against any post in the girls’ school and no unreserved candidate shall be selected against any reserved category and no candidate of one category shall be selected fora post reserved for other category.

(3) The State Government may, by notification, earmark up to 10% of the total posts with a view to provide adequate representations of the candidates of various categories without disturbing the 100 point roster as may be notified by the State Government from time to time. If there is no notification to earmark the posts, or if the posts remain vacant due to non-availability of suitable candidates the earmarked posts shall be filled up as per general procedure from qualified eligible candidates.

7. Disqualification

(1) No person shall be eligible for selection for appointment to the post of Teacher in any School unless he is a citizen of India.

(2) No person shall be eligible for selection for appointment to the post of Teacher in any School if he has accepted or offered dowry in any form at the time of his marriage or his son’s or daughter’s marriage.

(3) Any person who is under suspension from any institution or removed from service from any institution shall not be eligible for selection for appointment in the post of teacher. A declaration to that effect is to be submitted by the candidate during verification of academic certificates.

(4) Any in-service graduate teacher serving in non-Government Aided/ Sponsored school under the School Education Department shall not be eligible for selection for appointment to the post of teacher in any school under these rules.

8. Information regarding vacancies

(1) The District Inspectors of Schools (Secondary Education) shall send vacancy report group-wise, medium-wise, reservation-category and gender-wise to the Director of School Education who in turn will prepare the tentative vacancy report and shall submit it to the State Government for approval. After receiving approval from the State Government, the Director of School Education shall forward the list to the Central School Service Commission for issuance of notification regarding graduate vacancies for recruitment.

(2) The Director of School Education, with due approval of the State Government, shall forward the final vacancy report to the Central School Service Commission before the process of preparation of panel stating specific number of vacancies in different combinations of (a) medium of instruction (languages); (b) for mathematics and science group, social studies group and language group; (c) vacancies in boys and co-education school, girls school; (d) category-wise -SC/ST/OBC-A and OBC-B; (e) handicapped – Physically Orthopaedical, Visual impaired and Hearing impaired; (f) earmarked vacancies, if any, declared by the State Government.

9. Advertisement

(1) The Central Commission shall, on receipt of the report of vacancies under rule 8( 1), issue an advertisement through newspapers in the State in English, Bengali or in any other languages, if necessary, and also through the website of the Commission.

(2) Such advertisement shall be issued specifying the tentative number of vacancies- (a) medium of instruction (languages); (b) for mathematics and science group, social studies group and language group; (c) vacancies in boys and co-education school, girls school; (d) category-wise – SC/ST/OBC-A and OBC-B; (e) handicapped – Physical Orthopaedical, Visual impaired and Hearing impaired, qualifications, age as on the 1st day of January of the year of advertisement and other necessary information relating to such posts including admissible scale of pay, details of which may be obtained through the website of the Commission and from the Offices of Central Commission and the Regional Commissions.

10. Form of application and information brochure

(1) The form of application for recruitment to the post of Assistant Teacher in upper primary level, shall be such as may be determined by the Central Commission from time to time and may be saleable.

(2) The form of application and information brochure may be published in the Newspapers and/or the Commission’s website as may be determined by the Central Commission. The form of application-may be modified suitably for on-line application.

(3) The price of the form of application and brochure shall be such as may be fixed by the Central Commission.

11. Submission of applications

(1) The applications shall be submitted within such time and in such manner as may be specified by the Central Commission in the advertisement.

(2) The mode of submission of e-form and payment of fees through online shall be decided by the Central Commission from time to time.

12. Selection procedure

(1) The Secretary of the Central Commission shall arrange for proper custody of all forms of applications which may be received by it against the vacancies.

(2) The Central Commission shall verify the validity of TET Certificate, academic and professional qualification of the candidates having valid TET certificates and marks obtained in TET and other academic and professional qualification shall be evaluated in the manner mentioned in Table 1 of Schedule I.

(3) The Central Commission shall prepare two separate lists of eligible candidates one for trained graduates and another for untrained graduates along with the score sheet in the proforma devised for the purpose according to different combinations of (i) medium of instruction (languages); (ii) for mathematics and science group; (iii) social studies group; (iv) language group; (v) for boys and co-education school, girls school; (vi) SC/ST/OBC-A and OBC-B – category-wise; (vii) handicapped – Physically Orthopaedical, Visual impaired and Hearing impaired category and prepare a computer generated database of all the candidates.

(4) A merit list of eligible candidates for trained graduates on the basis of the marks calculated after academic evaluation and marks obtained in TET examination shall be prepared by the Central Commission:

Provided another merit list of untrained graduates shall be published if any relaxation in this regard is available from the Government of India.

(5) Lists of qualified candidates not exceeding 1.2 times to the total number of vacancies on different combinations of medium, subject, group and reservation category out of the merit list published as described under sub-rule (4) shall be prepared. In each combination of categories the trained candidates will appear first and the name of untrained candidates will appear next after the trained candidates to complete the lists to achieve 1.2 times to the vacancy. Admit Card shall be issued as a call letter for Personality Test. If more than one candidate in the merit list prepared under Rule 12(4) obtained marks equal to the last candidate appearing in the above list in a specific category all such candidates shall be called for Personality Test even if the last candidate exceeds limit of 1.2 times.

16. Preparation of panel and waiting list

(1) The Central Commission shall, on the basis of marks obtained in evaluation of the academic qualification and marks obtained in the personality test, all added together, prepare two panels – one for trained candidates and another for untrained candidates strictly in order of merit in the following manner:-

(a) category-wise panel of candidates found fit for recommendation, and each such panel shall include names equal to the number of vacancies, and

(b) a waiting list containing names of rest of the candidates appeared in the personality test and not disqualified shall be published.

(2) ‘Vacancies which could not be filled up due to various reasons may be filled up by the suitable candidates available in the waiting list till the waiting list remains valid and specific vacancy for the specific category exist.

(3) If candidates from the waiting list is exhausted and vacancies still remain, the Central Commission shall prepare a 2nd panel after holding personality test from candidates from the merit list to fill up the vacancies.

(4) If more than one candidate obtain the same aggregate (total marks), the merit position of the candidates shall be determined according to their date of birth, i.e. candidates with earlier date of birth shall be preferred and if the aggregate and also the date of birth are the same, the candidates obtaining higher academic score shall be preferred; and if the aggregate, date of birth and also the academic score are same, the candidates obtaining higher percentage of marks in TET shall be preferred.

(5) The Central Commission shall publish such panel and waiting list of candidates in the Commission’s website and the notice board of the Central Commission and the Regional Commissions and copy of the same shall be submitted to the Department and Directorate of School Education.

17. Counselling and Recommendation

Selected candidates shall be asked to appear for counselling by sending call letters through Speed Post/Registered Post mentioning date, time and venue for counselling. The call letter may be downloaded from the Commission’s website. A printed copy of the same may also be produced during counselling. The Commission shall proceed for counselling and recommendation of the candidates in accordance with the procedures as mentioned in Schedule III.

18. Validity of panel and waiting list

(1) The merit list, panel and waiting list prepared by the Central Commission shall remain valid for one year from the date of publication of the panel and waiting list, or the date of advertisement for the next general recruitment process whichever is earlier:

Provided that the waiting list may remain valid till the specific category-wise vacancy would be available from the vacancy list published under sub-rule (2) of rule 8. Under no circumstance the names of candidates shall be recommended against any post other than the post applied for or against any vacancy which has not been published under the said rule.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), panel, waiting list, merit list prepared by the Regional Commissions before coming into force of these rules, such panel, waiting list, merit list shall remain valid according to the rules prevalent at that material point of time.

19. Recommendation of candidates for appointment to post of Teacher

(1) The Central Commission shall hold counselling with a view to recommending the name of the candidate from the panel for appointment against each vacancy.

(2) The Central Commission shall recommend the name of only one candidate against each vacancy depending on his position and category in the panel and availability of requisite vacancy and a copy of the letter recommending the name shall be sent through speed post or in such other mode to the candidates, to the concerned authority of the School and the District Inspector of Schools where the particular vacancy exists. A consolidated list of recommendations shall be forwarded to the Director of School Education.

(3) A recommendation letter shall remain valid for a period of ninety days from the date of its dispatch through post:

Provided that the Commission may, if it thinks expedient to extend the validity of the recommendation beyond the period of ninety days for any reasonable cause, for the reasons to be recorded in writing, extend the period of validity of such recommendation letter for a further period not exceeding sixty days.

(4) The concerned School authority shall on the basis of the recommendation of the Commission, issue the letter of appointment to the candidate through registered post with acknowledgement due or through speed post and upon receipt of appointment letter from the concerned school authority the candidate shall join the post within the stipulated period as mentioned in the appointment letter:

Provided if the School authority has any doubt about the vacancy position, it shall intimate the same to the Central Commission, District Inspector of Schools (Secondary Education) and Director of School Education.

(5) If-

(a) a candidate refuses to accept his allotment of post during counselling for the post of Teacher, or

(b) the Central Commission gets information from any school or from the District” Inspector of Schools (Secondary Education), or otherwise, that a candidate recommended for appointment has not accepted the offer of appointment within the stipulated period, or

(c) such a candidate refuses to accept appointment, or

(d) on further scrutiny it appears that the candidate has misrepresented the facts, or

(e) a candidate acquired any disqualification to be appointed as a teacher before joining, the Central Commission may do away with his name from the panel and recommend the name of a candidate from the waiting list strictly within the validity period of the panel and waiting list.

(6) If a candidate, whose name has been recommended by the Commission for appointment, cannot be appointed to the vacancy for which he was recommended for the reason that such vacancy ceased to exist, the managing committee, by whatever name it is called, or the ad-hoc committee or the administrator or the concerned District Inspector of-Schools (Secondary Education), as the case may be, shall send an information in this regard to the Central Commission and Central Commission may, on receipt of such information in consultation with the Directorate of School Education, recommend his name for any other appropriate vacancy in the post of Teacher.

(7) If the managing committee, by whatever name it is called, or ad-hoc Committee or the administrator, if any, of any School does not appoint the candidate on the recommendation of School Service Commission having jurisdiction, the Central Commission shall forward the matter to the School Education Department with recommendation for causing enquiry and to take action against a member or all members of the Managing Committee, by whatever name it is called, in accordance with law in force. The School Education Department after due enquiry shall take actions as it would deem fit and shall issue direction to the Central Commission for recommendation of the name to a suitable post in the same school or to other school.

20. Bar on recommendation

Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Central Commission shall not recommend the name of a person under rule 19,-

(a) who, at the time of submission of application or after submission of application, is appointed to the post of a Teacher under same category in a School on the basis of recommendation made by the West Bengal School Service Commission in any region and continues his service as such Teacher;

(b) who, while in-service, having obtained required degree for being considered for the post applied for, fails to submit before the Central Commission the requisite document of permission from the appointing authority for prosecuting the studies for the said degree.

21. Carry forward of vacancy

The vacancies, which are not filled up for unsuitability of candidates or for any other reasons, as the Central Commission may by order mention, shall be carry forwarded and be included with the vacancies of next selection process. A report to that effect shall be sent to the Director of School Education:

Provided that if the Central Commission considers it necessary so to do, it may with due approval of the State Government, re-advertise those vacancies to be filled up in accordance with the provisions of these rules.

22. Duties of the Central Commission in regard to selection of persons to the posts of Teachers

(1) Save as otherwise provided under these rules, the Central Commission shall perform the following functions in general:-

(i) to keep liaison with the department to resolve different issues and chalk out the programme for conducting selection process for the post of Assistant Teacher;

(ii) to collect tentative vacancy report from the Directorate of School Education, West Bengal;

(iii) to finalize the details of the programme for recruitment of teachers in selection process for the post of Assistant Teacher;

(iv) to issue notification for conducting selection process for the post of Assistant Teacher;

(v) to determine the format of application along with brochure and mode of distribution thereof;

(vi) to appoint district observers to conduct of selection process for the post of Assistant Teacher;

(vii) to determine the procedure for preparation of Merit List;

(viii) to fix up the mode of publication of notice, merit list, vacancies, etc.;

(ix) to constitute Personality Test Board consists members as specified in Schedule II for candidates declared qualified for Personality Test;

(x) to do such other acts as may be necessary for proper conduct of the selection process for the post of Assistant Teacher;

(xi) to collect final vacancy report from the Directorate of School Education, West Bengal;

(xii) to prepare and publish panel;

(xiii) to counsel of suitable candidates as determined by the Central Commission;

(xiv) to recommend the name of one candidate along with his details to the appointing authority for appointment against each vacancy after counselling;

(xv) to keep under proper custody of all forms of applications and documents which may be received by it;

(xvi) other duties as may be required to perform in connection with the selection process for the post of Assistant Teacher.

(2) The Central commission may assign any of the above functions to the Regional Commissions and may take assistance of Regional Commissions in conducting the selection process for the post of Assistant Teacher in Upper Primary Level.

23. Duties of the Regional Commissions in regard to selection of persons to the posts of Teachers

Save as otherwise provided in other provisions of these rules, each Regional Commission shall, in the process of selection of Persons for appointment to the post of Teachers, perform the following functions:-

(i) to assist to process application forms received at the Central Commission;

(ii) to assist in preparing of Merit List, panel and vacancy report;

(iii) to assist in counselling of suitable candidates;

(iv) to do such other duties as may be assigned to it by the Central Commission.

24. Interpretation

(1) If any question arises regarding any decision of Central Commission, a reference may be made to the State Government and the decision taken by it shall be final.

(2) In regard to the interpretation of any provision of these rules, the decision of the State Government shall be final.

25. Savings

(1) Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation, relaxation of age limit and other concessions required to be provided for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the State Government from time to time in this regard.

(2) Nothing in these rules shall affect any act done or cause to be done in accordance with the provisions of the earlier rules made or notifications or orders issued under the Act.

(See rule 3)

Manner of evaluation of academic qualification including professional qualification for selection of Assistant Teachers of Junior High School /High School/ Higher Secondary Schools for graduate vacancies

Table – 1

Sl. No.Examination passedAwarded Marks
Full Marks60% or above50% and above but below 60%Below 50%
1.Madhyamik or its equivalent1010805
2.HS (+2 Stage)/Pre-University /Intermediate/ University Entrance or its equivalent1010805
3.Bachelorโ€™s degree as mentioned under clause (iv) of rule 2 of the said rules20201005
4.Professional qualification as mentioned under clause (xii) of rule 2 of the said rules.2020Below 60%
4-year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed) Or equivalent of 3 and 4 above40402010
5.TET20Marks should be calculated on percentage obtained i.e. 100% = 20 marks and so on

Table – 2

AAcademic qualification including professional qualification80 marks
BPersonality Test20 marks comprising of viva voce – 10 marks, Demonstration – 5 marks, Communication Skill – 5 marks.

[See rule 22(1)(ix)]


1. For the purpose of holding personality test in the selection process for the post of Assistant Teacher, the Personality Test Board, to be constituted by the Central Commission, shall comprise the following members:-

(a) one member of the Central Commission or Regional Commission shall preside over the personality test board;

(b) an expert of concerned group/subject having a minimum of 10 years teaching experience in a recognised College/ University to be appointed by the Central Commission;

(c) a nominee of the Central Commission not below the rank of Principal/Professor/Associate Professor with adequate knowledge in the concerned group.

(d) in addition to above a nominee of the Central Commission proficient in communicative English or Hindi or Nepali or Oriya or Telegu or Urdu or Santali for selection of candidates opted for recruitment in the schools having medium of instruction in English or Hindi or Nepali or Oriya or Telegu or Urdu or Santali whichever is applicable.

(See rule 17)

Provision relating to counselling for recommendation of candidate to the post of Assistant Teacher

1. For the post of Assistant Teacher there shall be State level counselling for the purpose of recommendation after publication of the panel.

2. The Central Commission shall publish the list of vacancies in the Commission’s Website under different combinations of Group, medium and category for Schools separately. Such relevant list shall be displayed in the counselling venue on the respective counselling date by the Central Commission during counselling for exercising option for selection of School by the candidates at the material point of tune as per his choice.

3. The candidates enlisted in the panel for the post of Assistant Teachers shall be informed the date, time and venue of counselling. Candidates can also obtain such information from the website of the Commission or a brief notification in the newspaper and from the offices of the Central Commission as well as Regional Commissions. In case a qualified candidate does “not receive the counselling letter, the candidate must appear for counselling on the date and time specified in the counselling schedule available on the website of the Commission or the newspaper and from the offices of the concerned Regional Commissions. A candidate shall bring the call letter/admit card printed from the Commission’s website, and any other document as required by the Commission.

4. The candidates called for counselling are required to bring with them the original as well as copies of Admit Card, valid age-proof document, documents on educational qualification, certificate of passing TET and other requisite testimonials, caste certificate (if applicable), Physically Handicapped certificate (if applicable) for final verification along with the intimation Letter for Counselling.

5. During counselling the candidate shall exercise option for selection of School in his concerned Group, category and medium for being recommended to a post of Assistant Teacher against his category-wise rank serial on the basis of availability of vacancies of same nature at the material point of time displayed at the counselling venue on the basis of query regarding allotment of vacancies. The Central/Regional Commission shall-arrange to display each- allotment of vacancy against enlisted candidates group-wise, category-wise and medium-wise in the counselling venue.

6. If a candidate misses his turn while his name is called for counselling during the counselling session he may not get the opportunity of availing the number of Schools which would have been available to him normally in the category, group and medium against which he has been enlisted.

7. A reserved category candidate appearing in the panel may opt for an unreserved category vacancy when his/ her name appears in the unreserved list also according to merit.

8. The candidate shall have to sign a declaration of-

(a) selection and acceptance of the School as per his choice available at the time of his turn during the counselling session; or

(b) refusal to exercise his option in respect of selection and acceptance of any School available at the time of his turn during the counselling session.

9. The qualified absentee candidate shall have to exercise option for selection of School to a post of Assistant Teacher from amongst the residue of the vacancies remaining after allotment of the relevant counselling in his respective empanelled category of post and medium on the date and time and venue to be intimated through registered or speed post and Commission website or Newspaper or the notice board of the concerned Regional Commission. If such a candidate remains absent on the intimated specified date, time and venue, his candidature shall be treated as cancelled.

10. If after the panel is exhausted the specific category of candidate from the waiting list shall be called on against a specific category of residual vacancy, if any existed due to non-appearing or disqualified for any reason of empanelled candidate. If there is no vacancy exists, the waiting list shall automatically be cancelled.

By order of the Governor,

Secretary to the Government of West Bengal.

No. 485-SE dated 03.06.2015

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