Higher Education, Family Pension , Pension đī¸ 469
The revised scheme shall be called West Bengal State-aided Universities (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit-Pre-1.1.96 pension/ family pension) Scheme, 1996-hereinafter called the Pre-1.1.96/ Pension Scheme.
Government of West Bengal
Higher Education Department
University Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Calcutta-91
No. 83-Edn(U)/1U-26/99 Dated, Calcutta, the 31st January, 2000.
1. The matter relating to the revision of West Bengal State-aided Universities (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Scheme, 1986 with subsequent amendments made thereto (hereinafter called “Old Scheme”) applicable for the employees (teachers, officers and non-teaching employees) of the State-aided Universities namely (i) Calcutta University, (ii) Jadavpur University, (iii) Burdwan University, (iv) North Bengal University, (v) Kalyani University, (vi) Rabindra Bharati University, (vii) Vidyasagar University, (viii) Netaji Subhas Open University, (ix) Bengal Engineering College (Deemed University), (x) Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, (xi) West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences is under consideration of the State Government for some time past. The Pay-Committee constituted for the non-teaching employees of the State-aided Universities and certain other bodies also made certain recommendations in regard to retirement benefits.
2. After careful consideration of the recommendation of the Pay-Committee constituted for the non-teaching employees of the State-aided Universities and certain other bodies in regard to the retirement benefits, the Governor in partial modification of G.O. No. 1250-Edn(U) dated 27.12.91 and subsequent orders issued in this regard has been pleased to decide that the revised benefits as embodied in Annexure be allowed to the pensioners (teachers, officers and non-teaching employees)/family pensioners who retired prior to 01.01.96.
3. Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya and West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences may consider implementation of the provisions of benefits as annexed after obtaining approval of Agriculture and Animal Resource Development Department respectively of this Government.
4. The pensioners/family pensioners of pre-01.01.1996 shall not be entitled to any arrears of pension/ family pension for the period from 01.01.1996 to 31.03.1997. The arrear of revised pension/family pension will be due for the period 01.04.1997 upto the date of publication of these rules to be paid in cash.
5. Any difficulty which may arise in implementing the provisions of this order may be referred to the State Government for clarification and/or order.
6. The order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No. 950-F(Pen) dated 28.12.99.
7. The Accountant General, West Bengal, is being informed.
Sd/- S. Bhattacharyya,
Joint Secretary
No. 83-Edn dated 31.01.2000 (Page-276)