
West Bengal Sub-ordinate Information and Cultural Services (Recruitment) Rules, 2016

Information and Cultural Affairs, ,

Governor is pleased to make West Bengal Sub-ordinate Information and Cultural Services (Recruitment) Rules, 2016 regulating the recruitment to the posts under Sub-ordinate Information and Cultural Service.


No. 508-ICA(N) Date: 25th February, 2016


In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and in supersession of all previous Rules regulating the recruitment to the posts of Sub-Divisional Information and Cultural Officer, in the West Bengal General Service, the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following Rules regulating the recruitment to the posts under the West Bengal Sub-ordinate Information and Cultural Service constituted under this Department Notification No. 506-ICA(N), dated the 25th February, 2016, published in The Kolkata Gazette, Extraordinary dated the 25th February, 2016:-


1. Short title and commencement

(1) These Rules may be called the West Bengal Sub-ordinate Information and Cultural Services (Recruitment) Rules, 2016.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in The Official Gazette.

2. Definitions

In these Rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,- –

(a) “Appointing Authority”, in relation to the posts included in the Wes, Bengal Sub-ordinate Informal and Cultural Service, shall be the Governor;

(b) “Cadre” means a cadre of the Service;

(c) “Commission” means the Public Service Commission, West Bengal:

(d) “Government” means Government of West Bengal;

(e) “Service” -means the West Bengal Sub-ordinate Information and Cultural Service.

3. Method of recruitment

The method of recruitment for the posts of Sub-Divisional Information and Cultural Officer

(a) 65 percentum of the total sanctioned posts by direct recruitment, on the results of written examination, followed by a personality test to be conducted by the Public Service Commission, West Bengal.

Note: Employees serving under the Government of West Bengal with requisite qualifications are also eligible to apply.

(b) 35 percentum of the total sanctioned posts by promotion in consultation with the Public Service Commission West Bengal based upon the seniority-cum-merit, from the combined seniorty list of Upper Division Clerk and Head Clerk in the post of Upper Division Clerk, Field Information Assistant, Publicity Assistant Grade-I having at least 1 (one) year’s experience as such, Information Assistant and Receptionist-cum-Information Assistant of this Department who have Degree from a recognized University.

4. Qualifications for direct recruitment

The essential qualification for direct recruitment to the post of sub-Divisional Information and Cultural Officer, shall be a Degree from a recognized University.

5. Age for direct recruitment

The age for direct recruitment to the post of Sub-Divisional Information and Cultural Officer shall be no, less than 21 years and not more than 32 years on the1st January of the year of advertisement. The age-limit shall be relaxable only in cases of candidates belonging to the Schedule Castes or the Scheduled Tribes or the Other Back Classes (OBC-A and OBC-B) or the Physically handicapped or the Ex-Serviceman as per the extant rules or order of the Government.

6. Rules and Syllabus for the examination

(1) The Rules and Syllabus for the examination shall be detailed as mentioned in sub-rule (2).

(2) The examination will comprise of two successive parts, namely:-

(a) Part-I Written Examination;

(b) Part-II Personality Test.

(3) The written examination shall consist of following four compulsory papers carrying 100 marks each and one optional paper carrying 100 marks, namely:-

Paper-I: English comprehension, essay, precis, letter writing and drafting of report. – 100 marks;

Paper-II: Composition, drafting of report, letter and precis writing in Bengali/Nepali and translation from English into Bengali/Nepali. – 100 marks;

Paper-III: Elementary mathematics based upon the syllabus of Madhyamik Examination or equivalent. – 100 marks;

Paper-IV: General knowledge and current affairs with special emphasis on West Bengal. – 100 marks;

Paper- V: one optional paper carrying 100 marks from the following subjects:-

a) Journalism, b) Mass Communication, c) Advertisement & Public Relations, d) Sociology, e) Anthropology, f) Political Science, g) History, h) Film-Direction or Cinematography.

(4) The Personality Test will be of 100 marks in Part II. For this purpose, a limited number of candidates, selected in order of merit on the results of the Written Examination will be called.

N.B. (1) The Public Service Commission, West Bengal shall have the discretion to fix qualifying marks in the aggregate.

(2) The standard and syllabus of the optional paper will be finalized in consultation with Public Service Commission, West Bengal.

(3) All papers must be written either in English or in Bengali except Paper-I.

7. Interpretation

For any question arises relating to the interpretation of these Rules, it shall be referred to the Government in the Department of Information and Cultural Affairs whose decision thereon shall be final.

By order of the Governor,

Principal Secy. to the
Govt. of West Bengal.

No. 508-ICA dated 25.02.2016