
Achievement of targets i.r.o. “Kanyashree” within January 2014

School Education,

Annual scholarship K1 and one time grant K2 under Kanyashree have been fixed by Govt. Initially the uploading of forms was satisfactory but right now the process has been slowed down due to non availability of filled in forms.


Memo No. 38(2)/ICD(N) Dated: 20/01/2014

(i) The District Inspector of Schools (Secondary), Nadia
(ii)The District Inspector of Schools (Primary), Nadia

Sub: Achievement of targets in respect of “Kanyashree” within January 2014

You are aware that specific targets in respect of annual scholarship “K1” and one time grant “K2” under “Kanyashree” have been fixed by Govt. Initially the uploading of forms was satisfactory but right now the process has been slowed down due to non availability of filled in forms. You are also aware that in terms of notification no. 3570-SW Dated 06-11-2013 Head of the Institutions are declared as “Designated Officer” for implementation of “Kanyashree” under the Right to Public Service Act 2013. Penalty of Rs. 250/- to Rs. 1000/- would be imposed against the designated officer in case of failure to provide service to the beneficiary within the stipulated time fixed in the said act. To emphasise more on this aspect, the following action point is requested from your end:

(1) To circulate the attach format to all the Head of the Institutions and to direct them to submit the filled in format to the respective BDO/SDO within 24-01-2014 by 04:00 P.M. He/She should report to the under signed that all the Head of the Institutions have complied this within stipulated time and date.

(2) Head of the Institutions should also arrange for submitting the filled in “K1” and “K2” forms to the respective BDO/SDO where uploading is problematic due to poor net connection. District Inspector of Schools (Secondary & primary) are primarily responsible to ensure that at least 5000 filled in forms submitted per day collectively to the BDO/SDO’s end and to request to all the Head of the Institutions to upload Kanyashree form on regular basis simultaneously.

(3) To request to Head of the Institutions to ensure certification form Head of the Institutions as per D.O. No. 14(600)/ICD(N) Dated 08-01-2014 of the District Magistrate wherein they should categorically mention that there was no left out eligible Kanyashree beneficiary in their jurisdiction.

Sd/- Additional District Magistrate (Dev), Nadia

No. 38/ICD dated 20.01.2014

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