Finance, Corona Virus , Lockdown
State Government is currently required to incur heavy unforeseen expenditure to combat the situation arisen due to such pandemic outbreak. The 21 days lockdown which is currently in force throughout India, has severely affected the economy of the Country and the State.
Update: Modification of FD Memo No. 1491-F dtd. 02.04.2020
Update: Validity of FD Memo No. 1491-F dtd. 02.04.2020 extended upto 31.03.2021
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch (Group T)
No. 1491-F(Y) Date: 02.04.2020
Sub: Additional austerity measures to be followed for combating COVID19
Government of West Bengal has been taking all necessary measures to combat the spread of COVID 19 disease which has been declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation. The State Government is currently required to incur heavy unforeseen expenditure to combat the situation arisen due to such pandemic outbreak. The 21 days lockdown which is currently in force throughout India, has severely affected the economy of the Country and the State.
A] Under such circumstances, in order to tackle the situation and in the interest of public service, the Governor is pleased to impose the following austerity measures in continuation to the economy circular issued vide 4201-F(P)/FA/0/2M/71/18(NB) dated 02.07.2018:
B] Exceptions:
However, the following items of expenditure will not come under the purview of this order:
C] The Delegation of Financial power for sanctioning of new project/Scheme and revision of existing Project/ Scheme during the first quarter of 2020-21 will be as follows:
All the above noted measures except (C) will also be applicable to all State PSUs, Undertakings, Statutory Bodies, Autonomous institutions, Rural and Urban Local Bodies and all other Govt-aided institutions.
This will take immediate effect and will remain valid upto 30.06.2020 or until further order, whichever is earlier.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal