
Admission Fees for B.Ed./ B.P.Ed./ M.Ed./ M.P.Ed.

Higher Education, , , 👁️ 221

Upper ceiling of Admission Fees for B.Ed./ B.P.Ed./ M.Ed./ M.P.Ed. Programme (2 year) in West Bengal is Rs. 75,000/- only per annum per student, for the academic session 2015-2017.

Government of West Bengal
Higher Education Department
College Sponsored Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091

No. 346-Edn(CS)/4C-24/2014 Dated, Kolkata the 8th April, 2015


In the backdrop of NCTE Regulations, 2014, the matter of uniform fee structure for B.Ed./ B.P.Ed./ M.Ed./ M.P.Ed. Course offered by Private/ Self-financing Colleges in the State was under active consideration of the State Government for some time past.

After careful consideration of the existing fee structure of Private/ Self-financing Teachers’ Training Institutions and their need for complying with the requirements/ provisions of NCTE Regulations, 2014, the Governor has been pleased to fix the upper ceiling of Admission Fees for B.Ed./ B.P.Ed./ M.Ed./ M.P.Ed. Programme (2 year) in the State at Rs. 75,000/- (Rupees seventy five thousand) only per annum per student, for the academic session 2015 – 2017, inclusive of development Fees, and a ‘Refundable Caution Money’ of Rs. 5,000 (five thousand). Hostel charges, where applicable, and University Examination Fees may be realized separately.

All concerned are being informed accordingly.

Sd/- Additional Secretary

No. 346-Edn dated 08.04.2015

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