
Advisory for Combating the Spread of COVID-19

Home, 👁️ 243

Effective enforcement of wearing masks, social distancing and other Covid-19 appropriate protocol in all public places, transport, etc. will be ensured by regulating authorities.

Government of West Bengal
Home & Hill Affairs Department
Nabanna, 325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah- 711102

No. 715-Home (Cons)/R1M(Cons)-92/2021 Dated, Howrah, the 17th April, 2021


The Government of West Bengal has from time to time issued orders for combating the spread of COVID-19. The latest being No. 521 -1.S.S/PL/0/Secret-2M-22/2020 Date: 09-04-2021, extending certain restrictions in combating COVID-19 up to 30th April, 2021.

Now, the following advisory is being issued with an objective to effectively control and contain the pandemic in the State:

  1. Effective enforcement of wearing masks, social distancing and other Covid-19 appropriate protocol in all public places, transport, etc. will be ensured by regulating authorities.
  2. Complete sanitization of entire work place at least once a week will be taken up by all Public and Private offices, business places, industrial and commercial complexes.
  3. All the bazars will be re-subjected to sanitization in association with chamber of commerce/trade associations as was done in 2020.
  4. Wearing masks, sanitization and physical distancing in crowded places like markets, weekly bazaars, public and private transport shall be strictly maintained.
  5. Staggering of work/business works in shops, markets, industrial and commercial establishments shall be ensured.
  6. The attendance in any office/ establishment under the State Government shall not exceed 50% on any given day as stipulated under Finance Department’s memo No. 2272-F(P) dt. 21.7.2020. The employees will attend office on a rotational basis as may be decided by the appropriate authority.
  7. Private establishment are advised to re-introduce Work from Home (WfH)/Rotational days/hours/shifts strictly, as far as possible.
  8. All persons in charge of work places will ensure wearing of masks and adequate physical distancing among workers and other staff attending the offices and other work places including shops and establishments, factories etc.
  9. Provisions for thermal scanning, hand wash or sanitizer will be made at all entry and exit points of Shopping Malls, Multiplexes, Theatres, restaurants, eateries, etc. in strict adherence to the SOPs circulated earlier.
  10. Stadia and Swimming Pools should strictly adhere to the guidelines and SOPs circulated earlier.
  11. Any violation of the measures noted hereinabove will be dealt with strictly and as per provisions under the existing law.

Sd/- Additional Chief Secretary

No. 715-Home dated 17.04.2021, Source

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