Financial power to engage service provider for housekeeping service in the state Government office buildings other than those maintained by PWD, will be delegated to the appropriate level of the Nodal Department of each such Government office buildings.
Government of West Bengal Finance Department Audit Branch
No. 8902-F(Y) Dated: 19.12.2013
Public Works Department of the state Government provides housekeeping service for the following Government office buildings in Howrah, Kolkata and Salt Lake- (i) Nabanna; (ii) Writers’ Buildings; (iii) New Secretariat Building; (iv) Bhabani Bhavan; (v) Khadya Bhavan; (vi) Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake; and (vii) Purta Bhavan, Salt Lake. The departments that have been shifted out of any of the Government office buildings mentioned above to other office buildings of the State Government where such service is neither provided nor arranged by the state PWD are facing problems in availing the housekeeping service in absence of any delegated financial power for such expenditure. This issue has been engaging the attention of the Government for some time past. Now, it has been decided that financial power to engage service provider for housekeeping service in the state Government office buildings other than those maintained by PWD, viz., the seven buildings mentioned above, will be delegated to the appropriate level of the Nodal Department of each such Government office buildings who will manage the housekeeping service of the entire building. The “Nodal Department” of each such Government office building will be decided by the PWD.
Therefore, in exercise of the power conferred by clause (3) of article 166 of the Constitution of India the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following amendment in the Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1977 published under this Department’s Notification no. 9751-F dated 17.11.1977, as subsequently amended (hereinafter referred to as the ‘said rules’)
In the said rules, in Schedule ‘A’ under Rule (18), insert the following items below item no., “31-General”-
Item no
Items of expenditure
D.D.O/ Head of office
District officers (collectors in charge of a district)
Heads of Dptt (other than Addl chief scy/ Pl Scy/Scy./ Commissioner
Addl Chief Scy./PL scy./Secretary/Com missioner
(a) Housekeeping
Full power
Notes:- Housekeeping includes providing security, sweeping, cleaning and scavenging service, etc., within the office.
The Nodal Department of each Government office Building will exercise the financial power hereby delegated to incur the outsourced housekeeping expenditure;
The service provider for housekeeping service should be selected through open, fair and transparent tender process as envisaged in Rule 47(8) and notes thereunder of WBFR, since amended vide FD notification no. 5400-F(Y) dt. 25.6.2012;
The nodal department of each such state Government office building shall collect the standard contract documents from PWD for the purpose of the tender;
PWD will assist the nodal department, if necessary, for the housekeeping tender.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal