Annual Academic Calendar 2019 and Holiday List of Schools

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
“Nivedita Bhawan”, DJ-8, Sec-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700091

Memo No. D.S.(Aca)/268 /18/A/25/2 Date 20/11/2018


The Heads of all Recognised Secondary Schools under the Board.


As directed, I am sending herewith the Annual Academic Calendar alongwith a model Holiday List for the Academic Year 2019 for all the Recognised Schools under West Bengal Board of Secondary Education for your ready reference.

Your kind co-operation for effective implementation of the same will be highly appreciated.

Yours Sincerely,

Sd/- Deputy Secretary (Academic)
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education

Supplementary to class distribution

1) The classes earmarked with asterisk (*) are assigned for assessing learning outcomes as per amendment of RTE ACT, 2009. The child’s development of learning outcomes is to be conducted through formative assessment in classes V-VIII and through Internal formative evaluation in classes IX and X as per the directives of W.B.B.S.E.

2) The school authorities are directed to make necessary provisions for arranging library class, smart class/ class through K-Yan/audio-Visual learning, Computer literacy or Laboratory based learning regarding curricular subjects for 4 classes (e.g 1+1+2) out of the allotted 34 classes in class V, 4 classes (e.g 1+1+2) out of the allotted 39 classes in class VI, 3 classes e.g (1+2) out of the allotted 44 classes in classes VII and VIII, as applicable.

3) The school authorities are directed to make necessary provisions for 2/3 classes for IX and X as regards the activities given alongside,(Information and communication technology (ICT), audio-visual learning, reference work, lab-activities/lab-based learning, Mock tests, Career counselling, Basic legal awareness/Health awareness/skill enhancement workshops, Inclusive education, as applicable. The School authorities are also directed to make necessary provisions for classroom transactions regarding optional elective subjects, wherever required, out of the allotted 42 periods.

4) Maintaining teacher’s diary for ensuring formative assessment through framing of tasks, learning evidence, class record book, child portfolio on a day-to-day basis is mandatory (for classes V-VIII) for each teacher, as per provisions of RTE ACT, 2009 and RTE rules 2012, Govt. of West Bengal.

5) Every School has to furnish a blue print of their routine/daily time table pertaining to the mandatory structure of time periods/class distribution as earmarked by WBBSE.

6) The Schools will have to furnish a report to WBBSE through e-mail just after completion of 3 consecutive summative evaluations (normally held in the 1st week of April, 1st week of August, 1st week of December) with proper evidences, highlighting the extent to which a child’s learning outcome has been achieved through preparation of child profiles. A copy of the same is also to be sent to D.I.S(SE)/A.D.I.S (SE)/A.I.S(SE) of concerned districts and sub divisions, as applicable

7) In cases of classes V-VIII, the Schools may use some classes (from classes other than subject-based learning) for development and strengthening of Co-curricular activities by conducting

Stringent measures will be initiated by WBBSE, against the school authorities, in case of violation of any of the above mentioned directives.

Sd/- Deputy Secretary (Academic)
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education

No. DS-268 dated 20.11.2018, Source

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