Annual Academic Calendar, 2022, Mandatory structure for framing the class routine, Annexure for the Academic Year 2022 and Format of Teacher’s Diary for all the Recognised Schools under West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education “Nivedita Bhaban”, DJ-8, Sec-II, Salt Lake City,’Kolkata – 700091
Memo No. D.S.(Aca)/182/A/25/3 Date: 11.04.2022
From: Deputy Secretary (Academic) West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
To: The Heads of all Recognised Junior High/ Secondary Schools (Govt./ Govt. Sponsored/ Non-Govt-aided/ D.A getting/ unaided under W.B.B.S.E.
Sir/ Madam,
As directed, the undersigned is furnishing herewith the Annual Academic Calendar, Revised Model Holiday List, Mandatory structure for framing the class routine, Annexure for the Academic Year 2022 and Format of Teacher’s Diary for all the Recognised Schools under West Bengal Board of Secondary Education for your ready reference.
Your kind co-operation for effective implementation of the same will be highly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Deputy Secretary (Academic) West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education “Nivedita Bhaban”, DJ-8, Sec-II, Salt Lake City,’Kolkata – 700091
TOTAL HOURS: 10-50 HRS. TO 16-30 HRS. = 5HRS. 40 MINUTES.
As per Sl. no. 3 of the schedule of the RTE Act 2009, the minimum number of instructional hours in an academic year is one thousand for sixth class to eight class.
Deputy Secretary (Academic) West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
It is mandatory for the Head of the Institution and all staff of the Schools (teaching and nonteaching) to attend the morning prayer/assembly [10.40- 10.50 hours] and they will be marked late if they arrive after 10.50 AM.
The appointed hour of a school shall be 15 (fifteen) minutes before the commencement of class teaching, i.e. 10.35 A.M.
Teaching and non-teaching staff will be marked absent if they arrive later than 11.05 A.M
On no account, can the teaching and non-teaching staff Leave the School premises before 4.30 P.M., if not on official assignment vide Memo No. N/S/212(W.B.B.S.E) dated 20.03.2013 and provisions of RTE ACT, 2009.
Vide The Kolkata Gazette Notification 214/SE dated 08.03.2018, it is the duty of all teaching and nonteaching staff of the Institution to abide by the code of conduct (Rule 4) mentioned therein.
“Every teacher or non-teaching staff shall abide by the orders or circulars issued by the concerned authority as to punctuality, regular attendance, and attendance at assembly prayer, taking allotted classes, completion of syllabus and other instructions contained in such orders or circulars.”
“Every teacher or non-teaching staff shall participate collectively and individually in national programmes or events like Republic Day, Independence Day, and cultural events like drama, sports, and exhibitions etc., held within the Institutions, and extend his support to the best of his ability in the interest of joyful learning by the students and to generate a congenial atmosphere in the Institution.”
No teacher and non-teaching staff should behave on such a manner inside/outside the school premises, that is unbecoming of their post.
The Head of the institution, Assistant Head Master / Assistant Head Mistress and Assistant teachers are to take classes as per rules /orders /circulars issued by the Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal / WBBSE .
Students are being strictly forbidden to bring mobile/smart phones inside the school premises.
Teachers are being requested to refrain from using mobile/smart phones inside class rooms and laboratories during the course of teaching learning process to ensure that students’ attention is not diverted.
Random use of mobile/smart phones, blue tooth devices in classes by teachers is strictly prohibited.
In case mobile/smart phones need to be used as teaching aids for a particular class, please seek written permission from the HOI in advance.
Under the overall supervision of the H.M and with adequate involvement of the teaching staff, the academic council of the School under the leadership of the A.H.M/Secretary of the academic council, shall review and analyse the students’ performance in Board Exam(s)/summative & formative assessments and adopt appropriate steps for overall academic betterment of the students. Regular meetings of academic council must be held. •
It is the bounden duty of all teaching staff to take regular and provisional classes wherever allotted to him/her in the routine, irrespective of their position, keeping in mind the academic interest and welfare of the students.
In order to ensure that the sanctity of examinations is maintained, teaching staff of the school, should under no circumstances, engage themselves in script assessing or any other activities during the course of invigilation.
After the completion of 3rd summative (VI-X) and until the publication of results, the Head of the Institutions are being requested to use the classes for remedial teaching and arranging Co-curricular activities.
Vide the Kolkata gazette Notification 214/SE dated 08.03.2018, rule 4, sub rule 6, “No teacher shall engage himself in any sort of private tuition for personal gain.”
Vide the Kolkata gazette Notification 214/SE dated 08.03.2018, rule 4, sub rule 4, “No teacher or non-teaching staff shall engage in any business, trade, undertaking or money lending agency and undertake any employment other than his service directly or indirectly, or use his position to help such business, agency or undertaking : Provided that a teacher or non-teaching staff may, with the permission of the committee, undertake any honorary work of social and charitable nature without hampering his duties in the Institution.”
Vide the Kolkata gazette Notification 214/SE dated 08.03.2018, rule 4, sub rule 16, “No teacher or non-teaching staff shall inflict any punishment on a student, which is barred under any law or under any order of the Government. Every teacher and non-teaching staff shall be extremely careful in handling student’s behaviour so that mental and physical injury to the student is avoided. Every teacher shall, if necessary, make endeavour to take correctional approach towards the students with the help of co-teachers, the Head of the Institution and guardians.”
Vide the Kolkata gazette Notification 214/SE dated 08.03.2018, rule 4, sub rule 14 “A teacher or non-teaching staff shall, with the approval of the Head of the Institution, perform such duties for the conduct of public examinations other than the examinations referred to above, as may be entrusted to him by the concerned authority conducting such examinations. A teacher or non-teaching staff shall be entitled to receive such remuneration as may be sanctioned for discharging duties in such examinations.”
The duty of Gr. C staff will be in keeping with the guidelines of the Managing Committee and Head of the Institution. Further vide memo no 330/G dated 22.01.1990 of WBBSE, it is being reinstated that it is the bounden duty of Gr. D staff to execute all official duties entrusted to him/her by the School managing Committee, to ensure a smooth running of the Institution.
Heads of the Institutions are hereby being instructed to maintain such an attendance register where the staff signs both on arrival and departure mentioning the time. They have also to maintain a separate record of staffs attending school on ‘observable days’.
Vide the Kolkata gazette Notification 214/SE dated 8.3.2018, rule 4, sub rule 11, “No teacher or non-teaching staff shall remain absent without sanctioned leave or over stay after expiry of leave, or leave the Institution without permission from the Head of Institution during working hours”.
Vide the order (no 541-SE/S/10M-60/17, dated 05.07.2017) of the Joint Secretary, School Education Department, the school managing committee is hereby being directed to abide by the same strictly, to ensure a tobacco free atmosphere in the institutions.
Stringent measures will be initiated by W.B.B.S.E in case reports of any violation are received from the Committee or the Administrator or Head of an Institution as per G.O 214-SE Dated 08-03-2018.
Deputy Secretary (Academic) West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Supplementary to class distribution
1) The classes earmarked with asterisk(*) are assigned for assessing learning outcomes as per amendment of RTE ACT, 2009. The child’s development of learning outcomes is to be conducted through formative assessment as well as summative assessment in classes VI-VI1I and through internal formative evaluation (I.F.E) in classes IX and X as per the directives of W.B.B.S.E.
2) The school authorities are directed to make necessary provisions for arranging library class, smart class/ class through K-Yan/audio-Visual learning, computer literacy or laboratory based learning, awareness drives (Kanyashree, Road safety, Child rights, Disaster managements, Snake bites, Child marriage, Child trafficking etc.) regarding curricular subjects for 3 classes (e.g 1+1+1) out of the allotted 39 classes in class VI, 2 classes e.g(l + l) out of the allotted 44 classes in classes VII and VIII, as applicable.
3) The school authorities are directed to make necessary provisions for 2/3 classes for IX and X as regards the activities given alongside,Information and communication technology (ICT), audio-visual learning, reference work, lab-activities/ lab-based learning, mock tests, career counseling, basic legal awareness/health awareness/ skill enhancement workshops, inclusive education, financial literacy, etc. as applicable. The school authorities are also directed to make necessary provisions for classroom transactions regarding optional elective subjects, wherever required, out of the allotted 42 periods. The library may be used on and often for smooth execution of IFE in classes IX and X as well as for remedial classes.
4) Maintaining teacher’s diary for ensuring formative assessment as well as summative assessment through framing of tasks, learning evidence, class record book and child portfolio on a day-to-day basis is mandatory (for classes VI-VIII) for each teacher, as per provisions of RTE ACT, 2009 and RTE rules 2012, Govt. of West Bengal.
5) Every school has to furnish a blue print of their routine/daily time table pertaining to the mandatory structure of time periods/class distribution, as earmarked by WBBSE.
6) The schools will have to furnish a report to WBBSE through e-mail just after completion of 3 consecutive summative evaluations with proper evidences, highlighting the extent to which a child’s learning outcome has been achieved through preparation of child profiles. A copy of the same is also to be sent to D.I.S (SEJ/A.D.I.S (SE)/A.I.S(SE) of concerned districts and sub divisions, as applicable.
7) Allotment of vocational classes (in schools where applicable) should be implemented in the daily class routine mandatorily as per scheme guideline of CS-VSE.
8) In cases of classes VI-VIII, the schools may afford time during effective instructional hour or may use some classes for the following activities to develop and strengthen their learning abilities within and outside the classroom. The class teacher will incorporate and tag pertinent activities within her/his lesson design to be executed during the instructional hour throughout the academic year. Some of the activities that are exclusively co-curricular in nature (e.g. web designing, awareness drive etc.) may demand allotment of separate classes, independent of lesson design but within the stipulated instructional hours.
Communicative English classes
Computer assisted learning (CAL) (lesson based)
Outdoor class room days/educational tours/ field trip/community mobilization/population education
Awareness drives e.g. Kanyashree, Road Safety (Safe Drive, Save Life),Bullying, Child Rights, POCSO, Child trafficking, Child Marriage, Vector borne diseases with special reference to Dengue, weekly iron and folic acid supplementation, Vaccination (Rubella, Measles), Administration of deworming tablets, Cyber Crime, Disaster Management, Rain water harvesting, Planting trees, Prevention of pollution, Snake bite, Eradication of Superstitions, wildlife conservation, Organ Donation, Sanitation, etc.
Provision for safe drinking water
Music/dance classes (wherever applicable)
Play (drama) /puppetry workshops(lesson based)
Yoga, physical training and meditation
Health and hygiene camps for health awareness advocacy programmes
Group activities (an activity bank should be prepared at the school level)
Summer/winter camps
Life skill based activities
Value inculcation
Adolescent education
Rock climbing
Global positioning system and weather forecast
Visual arts
News editing
Content writing
Web designing
Artificial intelligence and machine learning
Preparing museum in schools based on local resources
Language laboratory
Maths laboratory
Hands on experiment and basic laboratory exposure
Kitchen gardening
Financial literacy
Recycling of solid waste
Mock parliament
Exposure visit to different fairs (eg. mathematics fair, science fair, health fair), museums, entrepreneur centres and Government offices
Self defence
Care of geriatric people and awareness about their rights
Child guidance clinic for differently abled children
Innovative writing workshops; etc. as the need arises, to ensure a child’s social, mental and physical well-being and help achieve her/his holistic development as per RTE ACT,2009 and other contemporary interventions, as and when directed by the competent authority
9) The theoretical aspects of different activities (e.g., kanyashree, road safety, disaster management in health and physical education) mentioned above are a part of the curriculum and are reflected in different text books as prescribed by WBBSE. Hence these activities need assessments and formal records of finding about student’s performances should be emphasized in respective pages of teacher’s diary or separate pages may be created for the same.
Stringent measures will be initiated by WBBSE, against the school authorities, in case of violation of any of the above mentioned directives.