
Annual Working Plan for Class XI and XII for Session, 2021-2022

Higher Secondary Education,

Submission of Registration Forms along with fees and Class XI Annual Examination Fees by the Institutions to the Council. :: 1st phase: 01.09.2021 to 10.09.2021.


Memo No: D.S (Exam)/11/2021 Date: 01.11.2021

To: The Head of All Institutions

Subject: Annual Working Plan 2021-22 Session

Sir/ Madam,

The Working plan of 2021-22 session is given below for your ready reference.

Sl NoDescription: Class XIDate*
1Issue of
1. Registration Forms from the Council
2. Blank Teacher Data Sheets & Institution contact form.
16.08.2021 onwards
Available in the website
2Submission of
1. Registration Forms along with fees and Class XI Annual Examination Fees by the Institutions to the Council. [Annual Examination fees to be submitted also for those who has registered before but not yet passed and want to appear in Annual Examination 2022 as per Admission Regulation 8(1)].
2. Filled-in Teacher Data Sheets & Institution contact form.
1st phase: 01.09.2021 to 10.09.2021
2nd phase: 20.09.2021 to 24.09.2021
3Issue of the Registration Check List (Class XI) from the Council.30.11.2021 Camp
4Submission of corrected Check List by the Institution to the Council.Within 24.12.2021
5Distribution of Registration certificate (2021-2022)25.03.2022 Camp
6Annual Examination Class XI (Theory).02.04.2022 to 20.04.2022
7Annual Examination Class XI (Practical).27.04.2022 to 13.05.2022
8Publication of Results of Class XI Annual Examination bv the Institutions.25.05.2022
9Submission of Result sheets of Class XI Annual Examination to the Council.31.05.2022
10Commencement of classes of Class XII.Date to be announced later
Sl NoDescription: Class XIIDate*
1Distribution of
Enrolment Form, Practical Marks Foil & Project Marks Foil for Regular, Continuing and
Special candidates of H.S Examination, 2022.
30.11.2021 Camp
2Submission of
1. Filled in Enrolment Form [for Regular, Continuing & Special candidates] of H.S Examination, 2022. [New Syllabus]
2. Project Marks Foil for Regular Candidates of H.S Examination, 2022.
Without Late Fine: 06.01.2022 to 14.01.2022
With Late Fine: 20.01.2022 to 27.01.2022
3Date Schedule of H.S Examination, 2022 [Practical] including Hill Area
including Vocational subjects, Music, Visual Arts, Health & Physical Education. [New Syllabus]
15.02.2022 to 04.03.2022
4Submission of Practical Answer scripts, Practical Marks Foil of the H.S candidates of 2022 [Including Hill Area]Within 15.03.2022
5Issuance of Admit Card of H.S Examination, 2022.25.03.2022 Camp
6Higher Secondary Examination 2022 [New Syllabus].02.04.2022 to 20.04.2022
7Submission of Project Note Books of Non-Lab subjects at designated collection centres.21.03.2022 & 22.03.2022
8Publication of H.S Examination results.Date to be announced later
9Post Publication Scrutiny/ Post Publication Review [online only].Online submission of PPS/PPR by the candidates/ Institutions within 15 days from the dale of publication of Result

Your co-operation is solicited.

Thanking you,

*The Council may, if necessary, change the above date(s) with due intimation to all concerned.

Yours truly,

Sd/- Yeaser Arafat
Deputy Secretary (Examination)
WB Council of HS Examination

No. DS-11 dated 01.11.2021, Source

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