Information Commission, PAR, RTI đī¸ 697
Give application to the Public authority of the concerned Dept in plain paper along with Rs 10 Court fee stamp. Within 30-35 days you will get the information.
An Act to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the constitution of a Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
According to Right to Information Act which has been ordered on 12.10.05 in India (except Jammu & Kashmir), any citizen has right to get information from Public Authority in exchange of fixed amount of money.
First step
Within 30-35 days of receipt of application, state public information officer will provide the information or necessary steps to be done by the applicant will be informed within that time period.
Second step
If public information officer doesn’t give necessary information or gives incomplete or wrong information or refuses to give information according to the application within the time limit:
If there is no information officer of the dept, then you can give application form for information or complain form or first appeal to information commission.
Third step
In case of no solution from the appellate dept for the first appeal within 30-45 days or no answer from the concerned officer:
After the second appeal receive, commission will take necessary steps according to rule. But there is no specific time limit for the same. Decision of the commission is final.
No need to give any fees for complain or appeal as fees are given with the application form.
N.B.- Above application procedure is applicable for West Bengal Government or WB Govt. depts. only.
For details see the various rules of right to information act, 2005.
For the name & designation of information officer of various dept, visit of state information commission.