
Apply for PPS and PPR of Answer Scripts of Madhyamik Pariksha, 2022

School Education, , , , 👁️ 120

This year application for Post Publication Scrutiny (PPS) & Post Publication Review (PPR) of written answerscripts of Madhyamik Pariksha (SE), 2022 will be collected through online. Name of the website is www.wbbsedata.com.

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Nivedita Bhawan, DJ – 8, Sector – II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091

No. DS(C)/93/2022 Date: 03.06.2022

The Heads of the Institution of
All the Recognised X-Class Institutions
Under West Bengal Board of Secondary Education,


This is to notify to all Recognised X-Class Institution under West Bengal Board of Secondary Education that, this year application for Post Publication Scrutiny (PPS) & Post Publication Review (PPR) of written answerscripts of Madhyamik Pariksha (SE), 2022 will be collected through online. Name of the website is www.wbbsedata.com.

All the Heads of the Institutions are instructed to open the URL https://www.wbbsedata.com (on and from 12 noon, 03.06.2022) and follow the “Instruction” tab for details login and application process.

Please note :

A) All successful candidates may apply for PPS (Fess Rs. 40.00 only per subject).

B) All unsuccessful candidates may apply for PPR (Fees Rs. 50.00 only per subject.

C) The school may charge Rs. 2.00 (in Cash) per candidate only to meet the incidental expenses (if necessary).

D) Candidates seeking PPS/PPR shall submit his/her prayer for PPS/PPR as the case may be, to the Head of the Institution in which he/she belongs, on plain paper stating clearly his/her Name, Roll No, Subject(s) for which PPS/PPR is sought for alongwith the photocopy of the Marksheet and the prescribed fees (in cash).

E) In case of PPR the particular answerscript(s) will be assessed but the scope of PPS is confined to scrutiny and re-totalling only.

F) Board shall not accept any application in Manual Form for PPR & PPS..

G) Board shall not accept any online application from individual candidate(s).

H) The entire application process, through online, shall be done by the School only.

I) The website will function till midnight on 17th June, 2022. No application shall be entertained after that.

Deputy Secretary (Examination)
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education

No. DSC-93 dated 03.06.2022, Source