West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
“Nivedita Bhaban”, DJ-8, Sec-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700091
Memo No. N/S/212, Date: 20.03.2013
From: The Secretary, W.B.B.S.E.
To: The Heads of all recognised Secondary Institutions in West Bengal
Sub: Appointed Hour, Commencement of class teaching, Daily Assembly, Late Attendance and Hour of Absence of staff in Schools.
Dear Sir/Madam,
In continuation of Board’s Memo No. Admin/139 dt 29.1.2013 all the Heads of Institutions are requested to be guided by the following instructions of the Board regarding above noted points.
Head of an Institution and all members of the Staff, teaching and non-teaching, should attend School at the appointed hour and shall not leave before the School closes for the day.
The appointed hour of a School shall be 15 (fifteen) minutes before the commencement of the class teaching. (i.e. 10.35 A.M.)
Daily Assembly shall start at 10 (ten) minutes before class teaching Attendance of Daily Assembly shall be compulsory for all teaching and non teaching staff including the Head of the Institution.
Late attendance shall be counted from the start of class teaching (i.e. 15 minutes after appointed hour) and up to half an hour from appointed hour and no staff will be allowed to record his or her attendance after half an hour from the appointed hour (i.e. 11.05 A.M.)
Head of an Institution may condone such late attendance it he or she is satisfied with the explanation offered by the staff concerned.
One day’s Casual Leave will be deducted for every 3 (three) days’ Late attendance in a Calendar month In case the Casual Leave account of a staff is exhausted and the incumbent concerned comes late he/she shall be asked to apply for one day’s ‘Half Average Pay’ leave for each three days’ late attendance in a Calendar month If he/she fails or declines to apply for such leave or if there is no such leave to his/her credit then he/she will be granted ‘leave without pay’ – one days’ leave for each 3 (three) days’ late attendance in a Calendar month.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Secretary
No. N/S/212 dated 20.03.2013
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