
Appointment of Primary Teachers from TET, 2014

School Education, , ,

Applications are invited from TET-2014 Qualified Candidates for the posts of Assistant Teachers under the District Primary School Councils of West Bengal to fill up the vacancy of 41,559 posts.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

No. 2200/BPE/2016 Date: 24.09.2016


This is notify to all concerned that Applications are invited from TET-2014 Qualified Candidates of West Bengal seeking appointment for the posts of Assistant Teachers of a particular Council only, in the Govt. Aided/ Sponsored Primary/ Junior Basic Schools under the District Primary School Councils/ Primary School Councils of West Bengal to fill up the vacancy of 41,559 posts, (subject to modifications).

The details regarding district wise, category wise, and medium wise final vacancy statement including to the post reserved for EC (Exempted Category), Ex-Servicemen and earmarked post of Para-Teachers will be published in daily newspapers on 26th September, 2016 and also through the website of the Board (www.wbbpe.org).

The advertisement for filling up vacancy shall, inter alia, contain –

i. The date and time of submission of application forms against the payment of application fees of Rs. 50/- (for SC/ST/PH candidates) and Rs. 200/- (for other category candidates);

ii. Eligibility of the candidates;

iii. The manner of submission of application forms;

iv. The Terms & Conditions of the Recruitment;

v. Quota for Reservation with due consideration of the reservation policy of the Govt. of West Bengal.

Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi

No. 2200/BPE dated 24.09.2016

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