
Carry forward of Annual Medical Leave of PTTs and CWTTs

Higher Education, , , 👁ī¸ 342

Half average remuneration leave up to 20 days of CWTTs and PTTs which tantamount to 10 days medical leave with full remuneration shall henceforth be allowed to be carried forward.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Bio-Technology
College Sponsored Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091

No. 34-Edn(CS)/4A-4/2017 Dated: Kolkata, the 13th January, 2017.


The State Government, for some time past, has been receiving appeals from both the Government-approved Part Time Teachers (PTTs) & Contractual Whole Time Teachers (CWTTs) in Government Colleges and Government-aided Colleges of West Bengal for allowing them to carry forward the annual medical leave, which currently gets lapsed at the end of each year.

After careful consideration of all the aspects of the matter, the undersigned is directed by the order of the Governor to say that the 1/2 average remuneration leave up to twenty days of the Government-approved Contractual Whole Time Teachers [as per G.O. No. 952-Edn(CS)/10M-31/10 dated Kolkata, the 9th December, 2010] and Government-approved Part Time Teachers (excepting superannuated teachers serving as PTTs [as per GO No. 751-Edn(CS) dated 21.9.2010] which tantamount to ten days medical leave with full remuneration, to the extent remaining unutilised, shall henceforth be allowed to be carried forward to the following year, subject to accumulation of a maximum of thirty days (with full remuneration), and the accumulated medical leave may be utilised from time to time depending on the type of medical need but not exceeding thirty days at a time (with full remuneration), subject to submission of medical documents to the satisfaction of the college authority.

This will take effect from the date of the issue of this Order.

Sd/- M Roy
Government of West Bengal

No. 34-Edn dated 13.01.2017, Source

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