
CAS and MCAS Benefit of Fire Operator and Leader

Finance, ,

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 8540-F, Dated: 02.09.2009


The Pay scales of the posts of Fire Operator and Leader under the Department of Fire and Emergency Services have been upgraded from Scale No. 5 to Scale No. 6 and from Scale No. 7 to Scale No. 8 under Finance Department Memo No. 7282-F, dated 19-09-2008. The said revision of pay scales are effective from 01-01-1996 notionally and with actual benefit from 01-01-2008. The post of Leader is filled exclusively by promotion from the post of Fire Operator.

2. Dealing with some pension cases the Office of A.G. (A&E), West Bengal has raised some questions on CAS/ MCAS scale of the basic post of Fire Operator. After careful examination of the matter regarding CAS-’90 and MCAS-’01, the Governor has been pleased to take following decisions:

i) The first, second and third higher scales for CAS-’90 and MCAS-’01, benefits would be Scale No. 7 (3600-7050/-), Scale No. 8 (3800- 7775/-) and Scale No. 9 (4000-8850/-), w.r.t. basic Scale No. 6 (3350- 6325/-) of Fire Operator as revised under Finance Department Memo No. 7282-F, dated 19-09-2008. The effective date of above scales would be 01-01-1996 for CAS-’90 and 01-01-2001 for MCAS-’01 benefits.

ii) The 10/20 years service for CAS-’90 and 08/16/25 years service for MCAS-’01 should be counted from the date of initial appointment as Fire Operator as the said revision is not upgradation of scale but substitution of scale.

3. The Governor has been further pleased to decide that the pay Scale of Grade – I posts of Fire Operator (non-functional) would also be revised to Scale No. 8 (3800-7775/-) w.e.f. 01-01-1996 notionally with actual benefit from 01-01-2008 as were created in Scale No. 7 (340-750/- under ROPA-’81 revised as 1140-2160/-under ROPA-’90 and 3600-7050/- under ROPA ’98) vide Finance Department Memo. No. 6303-F, dated 29-05-84 and No. 13641-F, dated 18-12-87.

4. The Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal and the Deputy Accountant General (Pension), West Bengal are being informed accordingly.

Sd/- S. Das Sarma
Assistant Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 8540-F dated 02.09.2009

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