
CAS for Teachers/ Librarians of Colleges – Clarification

Higher Education, 👁️ 136

In case of further clarification, the principals may contact the Office of the Director of Public Instruction, Education Directorate, Bikash Bhavan, 8th Floor, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700091.

Government of West Bengal
Education Directorate
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700091

Memo No. ED-605/2015 Dated: 23.11.2015

From: The Director of Public Instruction
Government of West Bengal

To: The Principal/ Officer-in-Charge/ Teacher-in-Charge
All Govt-Aided Colleges of the State

With respect to the GO No. 951-Edn(CS) dated 06/10/2015, the following will be /may please be submitted for processing of CAS for the teachers/librarians of Govt.-aided colleges of the State:-

No.Description/ Points of QueryClarification
AFor Teachers/ Librarians whose notional fixation has already been made and pay-fixation has been done.No need for further screening. Only a GB/Circular GB resolution in the light of GO No – 951 Edn(CS) dated 06/10/2015, copy of last pay-fixation Memo and a forwarding letter from Principal may be submitted for processing
BFor Teachers/ Librarians whose notional screening/selection has already been made and pay-fixation has not been done yet.No need for further screening. Only a GB/Circular GB resolution in the light of GO No – 951 Edn(CS) dated 06/10/2015 and a forwarding letter from Principal may be submitted for processing
CFor Teachers/ Librarians whose notional screening/selection has already been made but pay-fixation proposal has not been submittedNo need for further screening. Only a GB/Circular GB resolution in the light of GO No – 951 Edn(CS) dated 06/10/2015 and a forwarding letter from Principal may be submitted for processing
DFor Teachers/ Librarians whose notional screening/selection has not yet been made.The screening/selection may be completed with the incorporation of GO No – 951 Edn(CS) dated 06/10/2015 in Part-C of ED-103/2013 dated 18/02/2013. Certification of justification is not required.

In case of further clarification, the principals may contact the Office of the Director of Public Instruction, Education Directorate, Bikash Bhavan, 8th Floor, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700091.

Sd/- Dr N C Saha
Director of Public Instruction
Government of West Bengal

No. ED-605 dated 23.11.2015