
Cash Equivalent of Leave Salary: New Definition of Family


Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 4791-F(P), Dated: 08.06.2012.


As it is often experienced various difficulties in the matter of payment of the cash equivalent of leave salary to the family of a deceased employee, the question of modification of definition of family as envisaged in Note 1 below rule 168B of WBSR Part-I has been under consideration of the Government for some time past.

2. After careful consideration of the matter/ the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that the Governor has been pleased to modify the definition of family as in Note 1 below rule 168B of WBSR Part-I in the following manner:-

i) The term family for the purpose of rule 168B of WBSR Part-I shall mean and include the following:-

(1) wife or husband, as the case may be;
(2) minor sons including legally adopted sons;
(3) unmarried, minor daughters including legally divorced, widowed and legally adopted unmarried daughters;
(4) dependent parents;
(5) adult sons;
(6) sons of predeceased sons;
(7) married daughters;
(8) minor brother and unmarried including legally divorced and widowed sisters;
(9) adult brothers and married sisters;

ii) Cash equivalent of leave salary shall be first paid to the relations at serial No. (1). If there is no such relation then it will be paid to the relations at serial No. (2) and so on. Under no circumstances one serial No. shall be clubbed with the other. In case there are more than one relations under a particular serial No. the amount is to be paid to each of them in equal share. If any relation is minor, the amount shall be paid to his legal guardian.

3. Necessary amendment in the WBSR Part-I will be made in due course.

Sd/- A.K. Das
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 4791-F dated 08.06.2012

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