
Finance Department – Archive, 2006

West Bengal Govt. Circulars, Notifications, Orders, Clarifications, Memorandum of Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal published in the year 2006.

1102-F dt. 28.11.2006Clarification regarding WBS (Commutation & Pension) Rules, 1983
1462-F dt. 09.11.2006Opening of sub-head under 8009-State Provident Fund
1456-F dt. 08.11.2006House Building Loan Scheme with United Bank of India
1052-F dt. 07.11.2006Insertion in Appendix under Rule 27 of WBS (DCRB) 1971
7859-F dt. 01.11.2006Policy for procurement, installation and maintenance of IT product
1301-F dt. 13.10.2006Enquiry regarding availability of discounted Air-fare tickets
7223-F dt. 21.09.2006Monthly Cleaning and Servicing of Office Equipment
DT-1485 dt. 14.09.2006Clarification on withdrawal of amount of G.P. Fund – Missing credit
947-F dt. 13.09.2006Insertion in Appendix under Rule 27 of WBS (DCRB) 1971
920-F dt. 04.09.2006Grant of ex-gratia payment to State Govt. Pensioners
3962-F dt. 29.08.2006Dealing of Revenue and Deposit in Divisional Accounts of Works
3961-F dt. 29.08.2006Procedure of drawal of fund for work expenditure and LOC cheque
5951-F dt. 07.08.2006Payment of salary through Electronic cleaning system
DT-1173 dt. 18.07.2006Clarification regarding maintenance of Leave Account
661-F dt. 13.07.2006Payment of pension to joint Bank A/c. with his/her spouse
657-F dt. 12.07.2006Enhancement of minimum pension guided by French Pension Rule
DT-1117 dt. 10.07.2006Pensioner portion of PPO hand over to family pensioner – Rule 4.192(7)
4840-F dt. 29.06.2006Revised scale of pay of Driver of ROPA, 1981
620-F dt. 29.06.2006Divorced/ widowed daughter for family pension beyond 25 years of age
577-F dt. 19.06.2006Dearness relief in case of pensioners who are drawing provisional pension
4367-F dt. 13.06.2006Revision of Leave travel concession Order No. 3430-F dt. 02.05.1981
4363-F dt. 13.06.2006Format of Asset Register
3564-F dt. 15.05.2006Payment of pension & leave salary contribution of DEPUTED officers
268-F dt. 07.03.2006Regarding delay in pension for want of papers
1782-F dt. 01.03.2006Policy for Procurement, Installation and Maintenance of IT products
1766-F dt. 01.03.2006Uniform Allowance of Nursing Staff
246-F dt. 01.03.2006Grant of relief on pension w.e.f. 01.03.2006
1680-F dt. 24.02.2006Additional Remuneration of Rs. 120/- p.m. for Head Estimator
1628-F dt. 24.02.2006Additional Remuneration of Rs. 120/- p.m. for Head Estimator
1560-F dt. 22.02.2006Discontinuation of encashment of Demand Draft of Rs. 50,000 and above
1261-F dt. 15.02.2006Redesignation of Stenographer
1030-F dt. 08.02.2006Annual Performance Report for 3 years to be considered
919-F dt. 02.02.2006Period of Probation in the Promotion Post
642-F dt. 24.01.2006Regularization of Contractual Employees – Consultation of Finance Deptt.
607-F dt. 20.01.2006Revision of Leave travel concession Order No. 3430-F dt. 02.05.1981

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