
Clarification regarding CAS in Government Aided Colleges

Higher Education, 👁️ 467

What will be the date of effect if Re-designation of Reader/Lecturer (Selection Grade) with three years of continuous service is getting completed on a date during the period 30.06.2010 to 31.10.2012.

KOLKATA – 700 091

No. 558-Edn(CS)/5P-52/98 (Pt-III) Dated Kolkata the 14th June, 2013


In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 12 read with section 11 of The West Bengal Colleges (Payment of Salary) Act, 1978 and in continuation of earlier orders No. 920-Edn (CS) dated 31.12.2012 issued by this Department, the Governor is hereby pleased to direct to give the following clarifications for information and guidance to all concerned:

Sl. No.PointsClarification
1.Re-designation of Reader/ Lecturer (Selection Grade) with three years of continuous service to the post of Associate Professor up to 29.06.2010 has already been done. Now, what will be the date of effect if Re-designation of Reader/Lecturer (Selection Grade) with three years of continuous service is getting completed on a date during the period 30.06.2010 to 31.10.2012.For the Re-designation of Reader/Lecturer (Selection Grade) to the post of Associate Professor, falling due during the period 30.06.2010 to 31.10.2012, and the claim/entitlement under the Career Advancement Scheme for teachers, librarians, physical instructors arising during the period 30.06.2010 to 31.10.2012, the date of implementation/ effect will be 01.11.2012 as per G.O. No. 920-Edn(CS) dt. 31.12.2012 vide ANNEXURE to G.O. para 6.1.
2.If any incumbent enters the service after 01.01.2006 with Ph.D/ M. Phil/ L.L.M/ M. Tech Degree or acquires these Degree in-service, what will be benefit in terms of incentives as per UGC Regulation 2010A clarification in this regard is being sought from the UGC. On receiving the same, the matter will be processed further.
3.If any incumbent wants to acquire the Ph.D Degree during his/her service, whether be/she will get any leave to complete the requisite course work as per UGC’s New Regulation for Ph.D.Special study leave/ Extra Ordinary Leave (EOL) with pay for Ph D course work, a maximum period of six months may be allowed provided least academic loss is caused to the concerned college/ students and subject to successful completion of the course work as reflected in the completion certificate issued by the University.
A proposal along these lines is being sent to the Finance Department for approval.
4.If any incumbent is under Faculty Development Programme (FDP)/ Faculty Improvement Programme (FIP) and remains absent in the college for a certain period, whether his/her date of effect for promotion on CAS will he deferred or notThe incumbent who is under FDP/ FIP scheme, his/her CAS benefit will not be deferred as he/she is on leave with pay with normal increment but the screening/ selection committee will be formed after the incumbent returns to the concerned post. However, the Career Advancement Scheme for teachers falling due on and from 30.06.2010 to 31.10.2012, the date of implementation of the scheme will be effective from 01.11.2012 as per GO. No. 920-Edn(CS) dt. 31.12.2012.
5.If any incumbent remains on duly- approved Extraordinary Leave (EOL) without pay, what will be the required eligibility period for CASIf any person remains on duly-approved Extraordinary Leave (EOL) without pay on personal ground other than medical grounds/ higher study, his/ her normal annual increment as well as CAS benefit will be deferred in the light of existing G.O. No. 2728-F dt. 07.04.2009.

The order shall take immediate effect.

Sd/- Joint Secretary
Higher Education Department
Government of West Bengal

No. 558-Edn dated 14.06.2013

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