
Clarification regarding CAS & Re-designation in Govt. Colleges

Higher Education, ,

Applicability of terms and conditions towards Re-designation & Career Advancement Scheme for the teachers and equivalent academic staff of the Government colleges in West Bengal – clarification regarding.

Government of West Bengal
Higher Education Department (Appointment Branch)
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700091

No. 2171-Edn(A)/5P-90/2012(pt) Date: 06.10.2015

From: Sri Arup Sengupta, W.B.C.S. (Exe),
Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

To: The Director of Public Instruction
Govt. of West Bengal

Subject: Applicability of terms and conditions towards Re-designation & Career Advancement Scheme for the teachers and equivalent academic staff of the Government colleges in West Bengal – clarification regarding.


In partial modification of this Department’s Order No. 1196-Edn(A) dated 31/12/12 and No. 1262-Edn(A) dated 14/11/2014 and in cancellation of the clarification made at Serial No. 1 of this Department’s Memo No. 594-Edn(A) dated 14/06/2013, the Governor is pleased to decide that for the teachers, librarians, physical instructors and equivalent academic staff whose career advancement and re-designation falls due on a date during the period from 30/06/2010 to 31/10/2012 (both days inclusive), the Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) and re-designation will be effective from the date it is due provided they have fulfilled all the relevant criteria as per stipulations of the UGC Regulations, 2010.

It is also to be noted that those who failed to attend Refresher’s Course and/or Orientation Course within the due date of promotion but have attended later though within 31/12/2013, will also be eligible to get promotion on due date in terms of the UGCs Letter No. 1-2/2009(EC/PS) Pt VIII dated 07/12/2012.

The arrears arising out of the promotion/placement under CAS falling between 30/06/2010 and 31/10/2012 (both days inclusive) of respective incumbents will be transferred to their respective GPF or CPF Account, as applicable for teachers of Government-aided Colleges with the condition that the said arrears shall be drawn at the time of retirement on account of superannuation or termination of service or in the event of death while in service along with the interest to be accrued, as per rule.

The arrear liability which will arise from 01.11.2012 to 30.09.2014 will continue to be paid in three equal instalments in three financial years commencing from 2015-16 in terms of this Deptt’s Order No. 1262-Edn(A) dated 14/11/2014.

This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their UO No. 0388/2015-2016 Group P2 dated 29.09.2015.

Yours faithfully

Sd/- Joint Secretary

No. 2171-Edn dated 06.10.2015

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