Finance, 6th Pay Commission , Pension , ROPA
The last date for submission of option for additional commutation is 31.12.2020 i.e. 1 (one) year from the actual date of effect of WBS ROPA, 2019. The Pensioner shall be entitled to commute upto 40% of the revised pension.
Finance Department (Pension Branch)
Writers’ Buildings, Block-IV, 2nd Floor
Kolkata – 700 001
No. 680-F (Pen) Dated Kolkata, 23rd the December, 2019
Subject: Clarification regarding further Commutation of Pension due to ROPA, 2019
Consequent upon promulgation of the West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowances) Rule, 2019 (WBS ROPA, 2019) and Finance Department’s, Memo No. 536-F (Pen) dated 01.10.2019 certain points have been raised from different corners regarding revision of gratuity and commutation of pension of post 01.01.2016.
After careful consideration of the matter the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to provide the following clarification on the points raised for information and guidance of all concerned:-
Sl. No. | Points raised | Clarification |
1. | Effective date of additional commutation | The effective date for additional commutation is the date on which the pensioner had already opted for commutation during retirement i.e. the age reckoned for calculation of commuted value of pension at the time of original application for commutation of pension will apply for calculation of commutation value of additional commutable pension. |
2. | Date of restoration of additional commutation | The additional commuted portion of pension shall be restored after 15 (fifteen) years from 01.01.2020 or thereafter from the first day of the month on which the additional commutation is given effect to, as the case may be.
The portion originally commuted during retirement will however be restored as usual i.e. after 15 (fifteen) years from the date on which it became absolute |
3. | Last date for submission of option | The last date for submission of option for additional commutation is 31.12.2020 i.e. 1 (one) year from the actual date of effect of WBS ROPA, 2019 |
4. | Amount of additional Commutation | The Pensioner shall be entitled to commute upto 40% of the revised pension. It is optional. |
5. | Whether Medical Examination is necessary for additional commutation | Medical Examination is not necessary if the pensioner submits option within 31.12.2020. |
Sd/- S. K. Ghosh
O.S.D & Ex-Officio Joint Secretary
to the Govt. of West Bengal