Governor has been pleased to accord approval to the further extension of such contractual engagement from the retired employees for another period of one year on the existing terms and conditions.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 8473-F(P) Date: 16.12.2015
In this Department’s Memo. No. 10935-F(P), dt. 5.12.2011, decision was taken to fill up vacancies in different categories and at different levels from retired employees on contract basis on consolidated remuneration as detailed therein for a period of one year. Subsequently their terms for such engagement were extended thrice, firstly for a period of one year in terms of Memo. No. 1866-F(P), dt. 4.3.2013 and then for a period of three months under Memo. No. 2192-F(P), dt. 21.4.2014 and further for a period of one year under Memo. No. 4941-F(P), dt. 19.9.2014 due to non-filling up of vacancies on regular basis.
Now, considering the need at the district level the undersigned is directed to say that the Governor has been pleased to accord approval to the further extension of such contractual engagement from the retired employees covered under the said Memos for another period of one year on the existing terms and conditions.
The retired employees who will attain the age of 64 years on the scheduled date of joining will not be engaged as such in terms of Finance Department Memo. No. 115-F(P), dt. 4.01.2012 and no fresh engagement will be made against vacant positions which may arise in view of discontinuation such retired persons.
Sd/- A. K. Das
O.S.D. & E.O. Joint Secretary