
Cost of Generic Medicines in Non-Empanelled HCO

Finance, ,

For treatment in non-empanelled Health Care Organisations, cost of medicines in generic names may be reimbursed in full. Trade name shall not be considered by any means.

Government of West Bengal
Finance (A) Deptt., Medical Cell.

No. 8687-F(MED), Date: 16.10.12.


The reimbursement of the cost of medical treatment in non-empanelled private Health Care Organisations was allowed under the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 under certain terms and conditions vide Finance Department Notification no. 10539-F(MED) dated 21.11.11. Thereafter, in terms of clarification under Sl. No. 2 of Finance Department Memorandum no. 11254-F(MED) dated 16.12.11, reimbursement of the costs of medicines and consumables are allowed up to 80% or 60% of the actual costs, as the case may be depending on the bed capacity of that Health Care Organisation.

Now, following the requests from various corners the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to incorporate the following provisions:

(i) For treatment in non-empanelled Health Care Organisations, cost of medicines in generic names may be reimbursed in full. Trade name shall not be considered by any means.

(ii) But the clarification as laid down in the memo no. 11254-F(MED) will remain valid for consumables as usual.

This will take effect from the date of issue of the order and cases already been settled will not come under the purview of this order.

Sd/- Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.

No. 8687-F dated 16.10.2012

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