Governor is pleased in the interest of Public Service, to sanction creation of 234 posts of different categories in different Offices and Establishments under Electrical Wing of PWD.
Government of West Bengal Public Works Department Establishment Branch
No. 33 Date: 25.02.2016
The Governor is pleased in the interest of Public Service, to sanction creation of the following 234 (two hundred and thirty four) posts of different categories in different Offices and Establishments under Electrical Wing of PWD as detailed at Annexure-I by declaring the total cadre of Workman (Electrical) along with its promotional post of Senior Workman (Electrical) as dying cadre in the manner as detailed at Para-2 below, with immediate effect subject to the condition that the posts so created shall be filled up by observance of extant recruitment rules:
Sl. No.
Name of post
No. of posts created
Superintending Engineer (Electrical)
02 (two)
Executive Engineer (Electrical)
05 (five)
Assistant Engineer (Electrical)
36 (thirty six)
Junior Engineer (Electrical)
191 (one hundred ninety one)
234 (two hundred thirty four)
2. (i) The existing 589 (five hundred eighty nine) vacant posts of Workman (Electrical) shall stand abolished immediately.
(ii) Future vacancies in the said cadre of Workman (Electrical) will also stand abolished as soon as any vacancy occurs by virtue of promotion, resignation or retirement.
(iii) When all the basic grade posts in the cadre of Workman (Electrical) are abolished in the manner as stated at (ii) above, similar procedure of abolition will start in the cadre of Senior Workman (Electrical).
3. The appointing authority for the above created posts will be as per the recruitment rules for the said posts.
4. The expenditure of Pay & Allowances for the said posts will be debitable to the Head of Account “2059-Public Works etc.” under Demand no. 25 from the Budget of the Public Works Department.
5. This issues with concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No. Group P-2/2015-16/0611 dated 09.02.2016 read with the approval of the Cabinet vide their U.O. No. Cab (D)-2586 dated 24.02.2016.