
CWTTs or PTTs shall be entitled to avail Study Leave

Higher Education, , , 👁️ 291

Govt-approved CWTTs or PTTs shall be entitled to avail Study leave, for a maximum period of 12 months in one spell and for a period not exceeding 24 months in their entire service period.

Government of West Bengal
College Sponsored Branch
Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Bio-Technology
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091

Memo No. 78-Edn (CS)/4A-4/2017 Dated, 27th January, 2017


The State Government, for some time past, has been receiving representations from the Government-approved Contractual Whole Time Teachers (CWTTs) & Part Time Teachers (PTTs, excepting superannuated teachers serving as PTTs) for allowing them leave for pursuing further studies and acquiring higher Degrees.

After examining all the aspects of the matter, and considering the fact that acquiring higher Degrees by Government-approved CWTTs or PTTs will only improve the quality of teaching in the State’s higher education institutions, the State Government has taken an affirmative view in the matter.

Accordingly, the Governor is pleased to order that the Government-approved CWTTs or PTTs shall be entitled to avail Study leave, to be granted by the Governing Body of the college and subject to approval of the State Government, for the purpose of pursuing further studies and acquiring higher Degrees for a maximum period of 12 months in one spell and for a period not exceeding 24 months in their entire service period, provided the concerned teacher has put in at least three years of service and is not due to retire within five years of his/her return from such leave. There shall be a gap of at least three years between two periods of such leave.

The Governor is further pleased to order that a Government-approved CWTT or PTT when granted study leave shall, upon his/ her return and rejoining the institution, shall be eligible for receiving the monthly remuneration accrued during the said leave period (and periodical enhancement of remuneration notionally), as admissible, which he/she would have earned in course of time if he/ she had not proceeded on study leave. On return from the study leave, he/ she will submit a certificate from the competent authority relating to satisfactory completion of higher Degree or submission of thesis etc., to the satisfaction of the college authority. The said leave period will count towards their total length of service for calculating the admissible service benefits.

Further, before proceeding on the study leave, the concerned Government-approved CWTT or PTT will be required to execute a Bond/ Undertaking that he/she will serve the institute for at least three years after acquiring the higher Degree. However, the concerned Government-approved CWTT or PTT may be permitted during the bond period to join any Government College or Government-aided college in the event of selection by the West Bengal Public Service Commission or the West Bengal College Service Commission, as the case may be. The study leave granted to a Government-approved CWTT or PTT shall be deemed to have been cancelled in case it is not availed of within twelve months of sanction.

Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 78-Edn dated 27.01.2017, Source

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