
Form Fillup for D.El.Ed Part-II (Regular/ Face to Face) Exam, 2020-2022

School Education, πŸ‘οΈ 209

Online applications are invited from the appropriately eligible regular D.El.Ed. Students of 2020-2022-Session and Continuing Candidates of 2019 – 2021 & 2018 – 2020 Sessions for appearing at the Part-II-D.El.Ed Examination.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
“Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

No. 255/WBBPE/D.El.Ed./2022 Date: 01/11/2022


In continuation of our earlier Notification under No. 232/BPE/D.El.Ed./2022, dated 23/09/2022, online applications are invited from the appropriately eligible regular D.El.Ed. Students of 2020-2022-Session and Continuing Candidates of 2019 – 2021 & 2018 – 2020 Sessions for appearing at the Part-II-D.El.Ed Examination (Theoretical), to be held all over West Bengal on and from 28th November, 2022 as per the Programme Schedule notified in terms of the aforementioned notification.

This is also to inform all concerned that the Board will impose both the Examination fees @ Rs. Rs. 600/- (Six Hundred) only and Centre Fees @ Rs. 250/- (Two Hundred Fifty) only per candidate at a time through the online portal.

All such eligible & validly registered students/candidates are hereby requested to visit any one of the two websites:

For such online form-fill-up the following steps are to be taken up:

  1. Visit www.wbbpe.org or https://wbbprimaryeducation.org
  2. Click on the link: β€œOnline Application form-fill up for appearing at D.El.Ed. Part-II Examination, Session 2020-2022”.
  3. Application Form will open
  4. Put in your valid ELEVEN DIGIT Registration No.
  5. Check the given information
  6. Upload your scanned passport size photo as specified
  7. Upload your scanned signature as specified
  8. Upload your scanned valid Registration Certificate, issued by the Board
  9. Enter a Mobile Number with Whatsapp and an E-Mail Id for quick correspondence, if required.
  10. Then, submit and pay online through payment gateway.
  11. Get the Acknowledgement Receipt printed for all future references.

In case of any discrepancy in the provided data, the Board will provide a scrutiny option in the Log-Ins of the Institutions for corrections/verification of the online application forms on and from 05th of November, 2022 to 09th of November, 2022.

The hard copies of the Admit Cards of the said Examination will be handed over to the respective D.El.Ed Institutes on and from 21st of November, 2022 to 23rd of November, 2022 for onward transmission to their students.

The modalities for holding the Examinations will be notified shortly.

The last date of such online form fill-up is 07.11.2022.

Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi

No. 255-WBBPE dated 01.11.2022, Source