West Bengal State AIDS Prevention & Control Society
(A Society Promoted by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India and Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal)
Memo No. ACS/2B-023-2010/Pt-I/221, Date: 14-02-2013
In continuation of Circular issued from West Bengal State AIDS Prevention & Control Society vide Memo Nos. ACS/2B-023-2010/166 dtd. 14.01.2011 & No. ACS/2B-023-2010/407 dtd. 16.03.2012 approval is hereby accorded towards wages of the casual drivers of B. T. Vans provided by NACO in Kolkata and other districts of West Bengal on daily wage basis @ Rs. 227/- per day not exceeding 26 days in a month on the basis of their monthly working statement subject to revision of rate of daily wage from time to time.
The Director, RBTCs/ Dy. CMOH-IIs who are looking after the activities of WBSAP&CS at Kolkata and district level should utilize the B. T. Van for the purpose mentioned in the above memos not exceeding 26 days in a month.
No other liabilities will be borne by the Society. All other terms & conditions in the earlier Circular dtd. 16.03.12 will remain unchanged. This will be effective retrospectively from 1st January, 2013.
All concerned are being informed accordingly.
Sd/- Utpal Kumar Bhattacharya
Project Director, WBSAP&CS
No. ACS/2B-023-2010/Pt-I/221 dated 14.02.2013, Source
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