Employees of Darjeeling and Kalimpong will get Special CL


No. 7283-F[P2]/FA/O/2M/47/13 Howrah, the 27th Nov., 2017


In order to ensure normalcy in Public life and delivery of Public services in the district of Darjeeling and Kalimpong during the period of bandh/strike starting from 9th June, 2017, orders were issued under No. 3595-F[P], dated 08.06.2017 and No. 3595/A/1-F[P], dated 11.06.2017 requiring all employees working in those districts to report for duty failing which their salaries would be deducted for the days of absence except under certain reasons specified thereunder. Now, after restoration of normalcy in the hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling and Kalimpong District, the situation has been reviewed and following decision has been taken:

1. All employees including those of GTA and Government Aided Institutions who attended office during the entire period of bandh will get 15 days’ Special Casual Leave and those who attended partially, will get such leave on pro-rata basis. Such Special Casual Leave can be availed of within 31st March, 2018 on prior application to the Head of Office.

2. Such employees who have remained absent during the period of bandh and whose salaries for that period have been withheld may be granted 15 days’ Special Casual Leave and for the remaining period of absence, Half Pay Leave out of their accumulated HPL may be granted [without commutation] to regularise the period of absence.

3. The teaching and non-teaching employees of Govt.-aided Schools and Colleges who will attend duty and take classes during winter vacation and other holidays and complete the prescribed syllabus will get their withheld salaries for the bandh period. Modalities for payment of salaries will be worked out by School Education and Higher Education Department.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 7283-F dated 27.11.2017, Source

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