
Delegation of Financial Power to Grant Subsidy in Transport

Finance, Transport, , 👁️ 155

To grant subsidy for payment of salary, pension and retirement benefits in respect of the existing employees of the Transport Corporations and also for the employees whose appointments under the Transport Corporations.

Finance Department
Budget Branch

No. 472-FB Dated, the 24th July, 2014


Subject: Delegation of power to grant subsidy

In supersession of Finance Department Memo. No. 252-FB dt. 11.6.2014 the Governor has been pleased to empower the Transport Secretary to the Government of West Bengal to grant subsidy under the major head of account “3055- Road Transport” in each year for payment of salary, pension and retirement benefits in respect of the existing employees of the Transport Corporations and also for the employees whose appointments under the Transport Corporations will be made with the approval of the Finance Department henceforth, as detailed below.

Name of the CorporationPower to grant subsidy
i) Calcutta State Transport CorporationUp to Rs. 125.00 crore
ii) The Calcutta Tramways Company LtdUp to Rs. 125.00 crore
iii) South Bengal State Transport CorporationUp to Rs. 30.00 crore
iv) North Bengal State Transport CorporationUp to Rs. 60.00 crore
v) West Bengal Surface Transport CorporationUp to Rs. 2.00 crore

For the current financial year, previous releases of subsidy should be taken into account for releasing further subsidy under the delegated power.

2. The Governor has also been pleased to empower the Transport Secretary to the Government of West Bengal to sanction loan in each year up to 30% of the budget provision under the major head of accounts “7055-Loans for Road Transport” and “7056-Loans for Inland Water Transport” in favour of Transport Corporations for the following purposes subject to the fixation of terms and conditions for repayment of such loans by the sanctioning authority in each case.

i) Purchase of spares, tyres and batteries.
ii) Repair/Renovation of old buses, vessels, tram cars and jetties.
iii) Repair of old pontoon.
iv) Repair/Renovation of depots and terminuses.

3. The power delegated herein will be subject to the allotment of fund out of the budget provisions as will be made by the Finance Department and this power will remain effective till further orders and cannot be re-delegated to any other officer by the Transport Secretary.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 472-FB dated 24.07.2014, Source