Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 6427-F(Y) Dated: 25.07.2012.
In continuation of this Department Memorandum No. 5458-F(Y) dated 27th June 2012 following points may be clarified:
1. Maximum 3% on the “Tender Value” shall be allowed as Contingency to determine the “Estimated Cost”.
2. Authority to accept the tender where the value/rate quoted by the Bidder [L1] is above the “Tender Value” [i.e. amount put to tender]:
(i) Maximum 5% excess of “Tender Value” may be accepted by the ‘Tender Inviting Authority’ subject to the overall power of tender acceptance delegated to each level of engineer officers as mentioned in this Department’s Memo No. 5458-F(Y) dated 27th June 2012.
(ii) Above 5% and upto 10% excess of “Tender Value” can be accepted by the Government appointed Tender Committee subject to the condition as laid down in the said Memo.
(iii) For acceptance of tender above 10% of the Tender Value, the Administrative Department along with the specific recommendation of the Government appointed Tender Committee as mentioned at para (ii) above, shall send the proposal to the Finance Department,
3. In case of Plan Fund, where the “Administrative Approval” on the “Estimated Cost” has been obtained from the concerned Group of the Finance Department, the revised Administrative Approval on the enhanced Estimated Cost, if any, shall be obtained from the same authority.
Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Secretary to the Government of West Bengal.
No. 6427-F dated 25.07.2012
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