

The functions of the Finance Department are performed through 5 (five) branches, namely, Audit, Budget, Revenue, Internal Audit and Institutional Finance.

State Policy on Public Private Partnership (PPP)

State Government has introduced a State Policy on Public Private Partnership (PPP) for implementation of physical and social infrastructure projects in the state.

Delegation of Financial Power of Engineering Wings

Maximum 5% excess of Tender Value may be accepted by the ‘Tender Inviting Authority’ subject to the overall power of tender acceptance delegated to each level of engineer officers.

Group Insurance Scheme 1983 – Table of Benefits, (397-420th)

State Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1983 – Table of Benefits under savings Fund for the membership period from 397th month to 420th month.

West Bengal Compensatory Entry Tax Fund Rules, 2012

The criteria as well as the amounts for allocation among concerned Departments of the State Government, shall be determined by a Committee to be known as the West Bengal Compensatory Entry Tax Fund Management Committee.

Revision of Pay Scales of Stenographers in West Bengal

Revision of pay scales of Stenographers having various nomenclatures such as Junior Stenographer, Senior Stenographer, Personal Assistant, Personal Secretary etc.

Implementation of COSA Extended upto 31.10.2012

The Treasuries/ Pay and Offices are instructed not to accept the regular monthly salary bill from the DDOs on and from 01.11.2012 if the bill is not prepared by COSA.

Extension of Enrolment in WBHS upto 31.03.2013

The existing and retired employees not enrolling their names under West Bengal Health Scheme by 31.03.2013 shall not be eligible to get the benefits of the Scheme in future.

Cash Equivalent of Leave Salary: New Definition of Family

As it is often experienced various difficulties in the matter of payment of the cash equivalent of leave salary to the family of a deceased employee, the question of modification of definition of family as envisaged in Note 1 below rule 168B of WBSR Part-I has been under consideration of the Government for some time past.

Extra Duty Allowance for Darwans/ Night Guards

Employees like Darwans, Night Guards and those doing night duties but not entitled to weekly holidays, and whose normal duty hours exceed 40 hours a week, will get extra duty allowance at the rate of Rs. 200/- per month.

Compulsory recording of GIS subscriptions in the Service Book

GIS-subscriptions of the State Govt Employees are properly recorded in their Service Books and these records are verified positively by the respective Accounts Officers/Drawing & Disbursing Officers from time to time.

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