

The functions of the Finance Department are performed through 5 (five) branches, namely, Audit, Budget, Revenue, Internal Audit and Institutional Finance.

Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme – Last Date: 31.03.2019

Existing, retired State Government employees pensioners, Family Pensioners, AIS and retired AIS officers who have not enrolled their names under the WBHS may be allowed to enrol up to 31.03.2019.

Sixth Pay Commission – Further Extension of Term of Office

Governor is pleased to extend the term of office of the Chairman and the Members of the Sixth Pay Commission, West Bengal for a further period of 06 (six) months with effect from 27.11.2018.

Basic Health Cover under Swasthya Sathi raised to 5 lacs

Basic health cover for secondary and tertiary care (including Critical illness) shall be up to Rs. 5 Lakh (Rupees Five Lakh) per family per annum for all cases under Swasthya Sathi.

Introduction of Exit Management Sub-Module in HRMS

Exit Management Sub-Module of HRMS has been developed for processing of pension papers for State Government Employees on retirement whose PPO is issued from AGWB.

Deduction and Deposit of TDS on GST by the DDO

For payment process of Tax Deduction at Source under GST, DDO may deduct as well as deposit the GST TDS for each bill/Invoice individually by generating a CPIN and mentioning it in the Bill itself.

Retirement Age of Nursing Personnel Enhanced to 62 years

Age of retirement of all categories of nursing personnel who are holding regular appointment and are in service on the 01.09.2018 shall be enhanced from 60 years to 62 years, with immediate effect.

Treatment of Absence on 26.09.2018 for Bandh/Strike

No Casual leave for absence either in the 1st half of the day or in the second half or for the whole day nor any other leave shall be granted to any employee on 26.09.2018.

Furnishing Hard Copy of Beneficiary List to Treasury

With a view to move further towards making paperless treasury system, the Governor is pleased to discontinue the mandatory provision for submission of hard copy of beneficiary list with the bill/advice to Treasury.

Modalities for Market Value Assessment of Land in West Bengal

In cases where the total area of the subject land/property exceeds 2 acre, the requisition for such market valuation in the appropriate Requisition Form shall be sent to the concerned District Registrar.

Role of Departmental Tender Committee

The Departmental Tender Committee shall be responsible for evaluation and recommendation of tender related works including but not limited to the following:

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