The functions of the Finance Department are performed through 5 (five) branches, namely, Audit, Budget, Revenue, Internal Audit and Institutional Finance.
The length of continuous and satisfactory service required for movement to second and third higher Level in relation to the basic Level, shall be reduced from existing 16 years and 25 years to 15 years and 24 years respectively.
Introduction of Submission of Life Certificate from Home by using only a Smartphone through Face Authentication for the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners Drawing Pension from Treasuries of West Bengal.
A number of Government employees of different establishments have submitted their option in Schedule-IV to come under the West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowances) Rules, 2019.
Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) has formed SIDBI Cluster Development Fund (SCDF) scheme with due concurrence from Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
State Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1987 – Table of Benefits under Savings Fund for the year of cessation of Membership 2023-2024.
Modification of the procedure of credit of interest by Directorate of Pension, Provident Fund and Group Insurance , West Bengal (DPPG, WB) into GPF Accounts of Group – D employees of the State
Governor has been pleased to allow the State Government employees who have earlier exercised their option in violation of rule 5 of the W.B.S (ROPA) Rules, 2019.
Governor is pleased to decide that during the period from 01.07.2023 to 30.09.2023, accumulation at the credit of the subscribers to General Provident Fund and other similar funds shall carry interest at the rate of 7.1% per annum.
Section/ Group creation within Office and tagging of employees with Section; Creation of HRMS ID for retired employees; Legal heir entry for a deceased/ missing employee; Availability of database of deputed employees for modification; Introduction of Workflow for Leave.
Guidelines for “Non-Government Institutions Provident Fund (NGIPF) Module” in WBIFMS for Provident Fund maintenance in Non-Government Educational Institutions, Local Bodies and other similar institutions.