This department has been vested with the responsibility of maintaining and developing the health care system in W.B. Public health, sanitation and hospitals are the exclusive responsibilities of the State.
In view of pandemic of COVD-19, all types of leave of all staff of Health and Family Welfare Department posted at all tiers (primary, secondary and tertiary health care institutions and offices including Headquarter) in West Bengal is hereby cancelled.
Any person with specified disability may apply in Form IV (annexed) for a certificate of disability and submit the application to the medical authority.
Recommendation of National Human Rights Commission regarding Medical Examination of rape victims. Henceforth Medical Examination of sexual assault victims cannot be denied on the pretext of Court order.
Compensatory Leave shall be availed of within a period of 3 (three) months from the date on which the leave is earned, failing which the leave so earned shall stand lapsed.
These rules may be called the West Bengal Health Service Recruitment to the posts of Medial Officers [General Duty] and Medical officers [Specialist] Rules, 2016.
Contractual remuneration of the Senior Residents after enhancement would amount to i. Senior Residents having PG Diploma @ Rs. 65,000/- ii. Senior Residents having PG Degree @ Rs. 70,000/- iii. Senior Residents having Post Doctoral Degree @ Rs. 75,000/- per month.
An Act to provide for the regulation of the recruitment, and conditions of service of persons appointed, to the State Ayurvedic Health Service.
An Act to provide far the regulation of the recruitment, and conditions of service of persons appointed, to the State Homoeopathic Health Service.
Henceforth, strength of Trainee Reserve will be fixed as 10% of existing strength (not sanctioned strength) as on 31st December of previous year.
An Act to provide for the acquisition of the Lumbini Park Mental Hospital at No. 115, Girindra Sekhar Bose Road, Kolkata-39 (in the district of 24-Parganas).