
Higher Education

West Bengal State Student Youth Science Fair, 2014

West Bengal State Student Youth Science Fair, 2014 is going to be held during 1st to 4th September, 2014 at District level and 10th to 12th September, 2014 at State Level.

Tuition Fee Waiver Schemes at Engg. & Technology Institutes

The Private/ Self-financing Engineering and Technology Institutes implementing the fees as revised by the Fee Structure Committee, will provide half free-ship to 10% of the students.

COSA is Mandatory for Drawal of Grant-in-Aid Salary Bills

Top most priority should be given by all concerned for implementation of COSA software package for drawal of Grant-in-Aid Salary Bills latest by the 30th September, 2014.

Ad-hoc Bonus to Employees of State-Aided University, 2013-14

Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus to the employees of the State- Aided Universities under the administrative control of Higher Education Department and West Bengal State Council of Higher Education.

Grant of Festival Advance in Higher Education

The employees of all the State-aided Universities and employees of the West Bengal State Council of Higher Education may apply for Interest Free Festival Advance (IFFA) upto a maximum of Rs. 3,000/- only per head.

Capacity Building and Review Meeting of Kanyashree Prakalpo

A meeting convened by Directorate of Social Welfare i.r.o Kanyashree Prakalpo in the Conference Hall of the Department of Child Development and Department of Women Development and Social Welfare, Bikash Bhavan, North Block, 10th Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata-91 will be held on July 30, 2014.

Revised Schedule of e-Counseling through WBJEEB, 2014

Revised schedule of e-Counseling for admission in different Engineering & Technology Colleges through West Bengal Joint Entrance Board. Remote admission at Reporting Centres after 1st round of seat allotment: 18th to 23rd July, 2014.

Reporting Center of e-Counseling Process, 2014

Adequate security and crowd control measures in and around the Reporting Centers during e-Counseling process, 2014 by WBJEEB are to be taken in all the three phases from 10 am till the process is over for the day.

Nodal Officer for e-Counseling, 2014 by WBJEEB

The Nodal Officer will be responsible for overall supervision for the smooth conduct of this entire e-Counseling process i.e. setting up of Help Centres, Reporting Centres etc. at District, Sub-Division and Block level; liaise with the WBJEE Board for all such arrangements and report to this Department through the Board.

Enrolment of Unmarried Girls under Kanyashree Prakalpa

Government desires that all the eligible girl beneficiaries studying in colleges and turned eighteen must be enrolled within the due time and before their nineteenth birthday so that they can continue in their endeavor.

West Bengal Free-Ship Scheme in Engineering Colleges for 2014-15

5% under Tuition Fee Waiver (TFW), 10% Half free-ship under WBFS and 10% Full free-ship linked to Management Quota (MQ) under West Bengal Free-ship Scheme.

Fee Structure of Engineering & Technology Colleges, 2014-15

Governor is pleased to revise the existing tuition-fee for students admitted in the under-graduate Engineering, Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture courses in the private self-financing colleges in the State.

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