
Higher Education

Promotion and regulation of Higher Education and Cultural development including Technical or specialized education in the State Universities and Colleges.

Swami Vivekananda Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship, 2013

Swami Vivekananda West Bengal Government MCM Scholarship Scheme is introduced for providing financial assistance to the poor and meritorious students pursuing higher studies.

Qualification for Appointment of Principal for Govt. Affiliated Colleges

State Government in the Higher Education Department has decided to prescribe the following qualifications and norms for recruitment to the post of Principal in Government-aided/ affiliated Degree Colleges.

Admission through Decentralized Counseling for MCA Program 2013-14

MCA seats, which may remain vacant after JECA-2013 counseling, in different AICTE approved participating Colleges of the State, offering MCA programme, be opened for admission through decentralized counseling for the JECA-2013 qualified candidates who fulfill the AICTE norms.

Ad-hoc Bonus to Employees of State-Aided University, 2012-13

Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus for the year 2012-13 to the employees of the State- Aided Universities under the administrative control of Higher Education Deptt. and West Bengal State Council of Higher Education.

Release Date of Deputed Teachers Trainee of B.Ed. Course

Date of release of deputed teacher-trainees will be 30th June of every year instead of 15th May as the course runs from 1st July to 30th June of every year according to NCTE norms.

Guidelines on Admission through Lateral Entry Scheme, 2013-14

Guidelines on admission to Engineering & Technology courses (including Pharmacy) through Lateral Entry Scheme in the academic session of 2013-14.

Timely Submission of Pension Papers of Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff

College authorities are requested to submit pension papers before eight months from the date of retirement on superannuation of the concerned employee positively, so that, the same may be scrutinized and transmitted to the office of the Accountant General, W.B. in time.

Enhancement of Remuneration of Part-time Teachers (PTTs)

Governor is pleased to allow 10% one time increase in consolidated remuneration of the Part-time Teachers of Govt.-aided Colleges who will complete 10 years of engagement in the State-aided Non-Govt. Colleges on or after 01.10.2013.

Ceiling of Tuition Fee in Engineering Colleges w.e.f. 2013

No capitation fee in any form or kind can be demanded or realised from the students for admission or for continuance of study in the college or for any other reason, either directly or indirectly.

Admission to Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Architecture Course, 2013-14

Online Counselling Order for Admission into 1st Year Undergraduate-Level UG Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Architecture courses for the year 2013-14. Revised West Bengal Free-ship Scheme to be effective w.e.f. 2013-14.

Permission for B.Ed. for School Teachers (Class IX onwards)

During admission in B.Ed courses in the NCTE recognized Institutions, 50 percent seats for Deputed Teachers and 50 percent for the Freshers will be reserved particularly for the teachers teaching for class IX onwards in the coming academic sessions.

1 year Bridge Course through ODL Mode by WBBPE

NCTE approved B.Ed Colleges may make available their infrastructure for holding One year Bridge Course for 29,907 primary school teachers under the supervision of WBBPE.

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