Public Works Department provides infrastructural support for both original and repair works to all the departments directly under the Govt. of West Bengal.
APR should be initiated and submitted to the Reporting Officer within 1st week of April of the next financial year. The filled-in APR shall be submitted by an Officer to the concerned Reporting Officer under whom he is/was attached to on the day of 31st March of that financial year.
Estimates for works originating in districts can only be vetted by the respective Superintending Engineers/ Zonal Chief Engineers.
The post of Joint Secretary will be filled up from the West Bengal Senior Service of Engineers as per existing Recruitment Rules. The appointing authority for the above upgraded post will be the Governor, West Bengal.
Care shall be taken to see that splitting up does not technically damage the structural soundness of the work as a whole and where such possibility exists, the work shall not be split up into smaller parts.
Governor is pleased to notify the posts and staff strength under the new establishment of office of the Zonal Chief Engineers after restructuring of Public Works Department, Govt. of West Bengal.
Governor is pleased to accept the change of designation and office of the DDOs from the existing name to the new names mentioned below. Departmental authorities will obtain DDO codes from the Directorate of Treasuries and Accounts Government of West Bengal.
Executive Engineer concerned shall arrange for the sale of Government properties by public auction for and on behalf of the Governor. Under no circumstances shall any Government property be disposed of by private arrangement.
The nominal muster roll (Bengal Form No. 4794) is the initial record of the labour employed each day on a work, and must be written up daily by the subordinate deputed for the purpose.
No officer should correspond direct with an authority superior to the officer under whom he is immediately serving, or with the State Government or the Government of India.
To improve the functional efficiency, total working jurisdiction of Public Works Department over the state will be split in three zones namely North Zone, West Zone and South Zone headed by Chief Engineers.