Guidelines and Procedures to get Estimates vetted by PWD

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department

No. 338/SPW/2014 Date:- November 18, 2014


Sub: Guidelines and procedure to be followed to get estimates vetted by PWD

It has been observed that estimates received by Planning & Monitoring Circle of PWD from different Government Departments for vetting could not be processed and released in time due to lack of proper information and supportive documents. It normally takes a lot of time to correct the deficiencies in the estimates even after taking up the matter with the concerned Department.

2. To avoid such delays and expedite the process of vetting of estimates by PWD, it is decided that all the Departments should follow the following guidelines to ensure timelines:

(i) As per Finance Department, Audit Branch’s Notification No. 5400-F(Y) dt. 25/06/2012 “Estimated cost shall be based on PWD’s Schedule of Rates for the scheduled items of work and market rate as approved by the Head of Engineering wing of the Agency/ Organisation for the non-scheduled items of work.”

(ii) No deviation in the specification should be made in case of scheduled items.

(iii) It is decided that for any item of work where rate is not available in the PWD’s Schedule, CPWD’s Schedule or Delhi Schedule of Rates may be adopted.

(iv) If any non-scheduled item is included in the estimate, proper supporting papers alongwith rate analysis should be given.

(v) Analysis of rates of non-scheduled item may be done after taking quotation only. For specialized work, if it is not possible to obtain a number of quotations, single quotation may be given to justify the rates.

(vi) Derivation of lump-sum rates should be given with proper justification and supporting authenticated documents.

3. All the Departments sending estimates to PWD for vetting are requested to comply with the above guidelines to ensure timely vetting.

By order of the Governor

Principal Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal
Public Works Department

No. 338-SPW dated 18.11.2014

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