
School Education

Special Teaching for Child Fails in V and VIII Class

There shall be an assessment based on the total score obtained in the three Summative Evaluation of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation in the fifth class and in the eighth class of every academic year. If a child fails he shall be given Special Teaching by the school authority within a period of two months.

Admission of Children in Elementary Classes for Session, 2020

District Inspector of Schools (PE)/ District Inspector of Schools (SE) shall ensure that no child in the above age group in the district is left out of the process of admission to his/her age appropriate class in a school nearer to his/her residence, as required under the RTE Act, 2009.

Annual Academic Calendar of WBBSE, 2020

It is mandatory for the Head of the Institution and all staff of the Schools (teaching and non-teaching) to attend the morning prayer/ assembly [10.40- 10.50 hours] and they will be marked late if they arrive after 10.50 AM.

Holiday List of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, 2020

Holiday List of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education for the year 2020 which is applicable for all recognized secondary schools in West Bengal.

Enhancement of Salary of Primary School Teachers

Enhancement of the corresponding Band Pay as par ROPA, 2009 in case of trained primary teachers is Rs. 7440/- (initial Band Pay) in the Pay Band-3 and in case of untrained primary teachers is Rs. 6700/- (initial Band Pay) in the Pay Band-2.

Enhancement of Grade Pay of Primary Teachers

Grade Pay of Trained Primary Teachers is enhanced from Rs. 2600/- in Pay Band-2 to Rs. 3600/- in Pay Band-3 and the Grade Pay of Untrained Primary Teachers is enhanced from Rs. 2300/- to Rs. 2900/- in Pay Band-2 with effect from 1st August, 2019.

B.Ed. for Contractual Teachers (H.S.) through ODL or Online

School Education Department has taken a policy decision to allow H.S. contractual teachers (part-time teachers for the Higher Secondary Section of Higher Secondary Schools) to undertake B. Ed./ Equivalent Training in ODL mode or as on-line course.

Extension of Joining Time of Headmaster/ Headmistress

Where incumbent himself/herself happens to be the Headmaster/ Headmistress of a school and there is an absence of Managing Committee/ Administrator, the D.I. of Schools may release the incumbent subject to post facto approval of the Administrator/ Managing Committee, as and when appointed.

Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination) Routine, 2020

Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2020 (both Regular & External) will be held from 18th February, 2020 to 27th February, 2020. Each day from 11.45 a.m. to 3 p.m. (First 15 minutes for reading the Question Papers only).

Bonus to Employees of Educational Institutions, 2019

Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus to the employees of State-Aided Non-Govt. Educational Institutions and other Sponsored/ Aided Organization for the year 2018-2019.

Opening of School after Summer Vacation, 2019

Considering the changed weather conditions, it has been decided that all schools will remain closed upto 08.06.2019 and will open on 10.06.2019. Similar action is recommended for all un-aided schools also.

Schedule of D.El.Ed Part – I Exam (Theoretical), 2017-2019

Programme of Diploma-In-Elementary Education Part – I Examination (Session- 2017-2019) and Session- 2015-2017/ 2016-2018 (Continuing/ Supplementary candidates).

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