Grant of Dearness Allowance to the Teaching and Non-teaching employees of Government Aided/ Sponsored Educational Institutions who are in the prerevised scale of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2019.
Grant of Dearness Allowance to the Teaching and Non-teaching employees of Government Aided/ Sponsored Educational Institutions with effect from 1st January, 2019.
Grant of Dearness Relief on Pension to the teaching and non-teaching Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of the State aided Non-Government Educational Institutions w.e.f. 01.01.2019.
All schools must follow that the Third Summative Evaluation upto Class IX is to be completed within 1st week of December, 2018 (not to be held before 3rd week of November, 2018).
Each and every School must prepare the question papers for selection test/ 3rd summative Evaluation of Class X and the name of the Institution must be printed in the question papers.
Dearness Allowance to the whole time approved and regular teaching and non-teaching employees of DA getting schools and DA getting Anglo Indian Schools w.e.f. 01.01.2018.
Dearness Allowance to the whole time approved and regular teaching and non-teaching employees of DA getting schools, Anglo Indian Schools and Pandits of Sanskrit Tols wef 01.01.2018.
NC and CC candidates will be instructed by the concerned S.I. of Schools/ Circle project Coordinators to submit the filled-in forms along with relevant documents and Bank Drafts within 06.08.2018.
Online Applications are invited for appearing at the Second Year Term End (Theoretical) Examination of Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (ODL), Session: 2015-2017 from the Para-teachers & Residual Primary School Teachers.
e-Text Books of Pre-Primary, Class – I, Class – II, Class – III, Class – IV, Class – V, Class – VI, Class – VII, Class – VIII, Class – IX, Class – X, Class – XI, Class – XII for the current academic session (Bengali and Hindi Medium).
All concerned are hereby informed that the Spl Supplementary First Year Term End Examination of the Two Year D. El. Ed Course (ODL) for CC & NC candidates will be held as per the following schedule.
Schedule of Second Year Term End Examination of the Two Year D.El. Ed Course for Para-teachers and Residual Teachers for the Session, 2015-2017.